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Report Index

Outlines all available reports, definitions, and helpful callouts providing you with key information and helpful tips for each report.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over 3 months ago


Track your progress and align on goals with built-in reporting. Boulevard's customizable templates give you complete control, so you can see where you can improve and make data-driven decisions that drive your business forward. This report index outlines all available reports, definitions, and helpful callouts providing you with key information and helpful tips for each report.

Sales Reports

Report Name


Key Points

Summary of daily activity by appointments, services, and products

  • Great all-purpose report to track sales.

  • Recommend adding additional fields for all net sales (i.e. net retail product sales, etc.)

  • Customization ideas: by location and date, sale date and location, staff and date, or date, staff, and location

Total product sales by order including count, dollar amount, and tax

  • Recommend adding additional fields for all net sales (i.e. net retail product sales, etc.)

  • Memberships and packages are included in product sales data

Total service sales by order including count, dollar amount, and tax

  • Recommend adding additional fields for all net sales (i.e. net retail product sales, etc.)

Detailed activity of all sales and refunds

Product supplier metrics including sales, sales tax and average sale per order

Summary of discount and offer activity

  • Track discounts by operator & see how many times an offer or discount has been used

  • Cannot view report by client name or ID to track which clients have redeemed which offer or discount

  • Customization ideas: view by discount ID

Discount sales grouped by staff

  • If multiple offer codes were applied to an order, you cannot see how much each discount is without using the offers & discounts report, but you can see all discounts applied and total for sale

Details on all of your memberships and your clients who are subscribed.

Includes the reason clients canceled their memberships along with how long the membership lasted and the lifetime value of clients while they were using the membership.

Total, new, and recurring membership sales by order including count, dollar amount, and tax.

Understand how well your staff are retaining their clients on a membership. The membership staff retention report provides the retention rate of clients on membership plans per staff member.

Insight into all your membership plans and their usage.

Total package sales by order including count, dollar amount, and tax.

Summary of daily time clock activities

  • Best report to view employee clocked hours

  • Use this report to track if someone clocked in more hours than they should have/forgot to clock out (.e. view by date)

  • Customization ideas: view by location name and staff name, view hours clocked; staff name and reason name and hours clocked (i.e. if you have PTO, sick time, etc.), view by ID and add staff, location, add date and in/at along with minutes or hours clocked

Summary of daily register closeout activities

  • Provides a roll up of register activity to see if you were short, over, or where you ended the day from a cash perspective

  • Customization Ideas: view by individual (group by ID)

Client transactions

  • Recommend adding columns for settled on (date the payment settles i.e. day before CC deposits) and transaction fees (merchant processing fees)

  • Tracking deposit amount: download this report as an excel document and create a formula to subtract transaction fees from transaction amount

  • Customization Ideas: view by merchant or add merchant to columns to view payments going to merchant accounts (for example, if you have independent contractors that you need to reimburse for gift cards, this is a great option)

*Reports included in the Membership & Package builder Beta test.

Staff Reports

Report Name


Key Points

Detailed performance metrics by staff member

  • Recommend adding columns for net sales metrics

  • All client count metrics are unique client counts (i.e. if the client has 5 appointments within a date range and they have multiple returning client visits within that range, it will count as 1 returning client)

Detailed performance metrics by staff member by day of week

  • Recommend adding columns for net sales metrics

  • All client count metrics are unique client counts (i.e. if the client has 5 appointments within a date range and they have multiple returning client visits within that range, it will count as 1 returning client)

Sales performance by staff member and role

  • Report includes business charges

  • Recommend adding columns for net sales metrics

Detailed service sales by staff member

  • Recommend adding columns for net sales metrics

Detailed product sales by staff member

  • Recommend adding columns for net sales metrics

Detailed performance metrics by operator

  • Operator is defined as the individual who completes the order

  • Report metrics are based on net service sales

Client Reports

Report Name


Key Points

Client sales by products and services

  • Customization Ideas: To track top clients by spend, sort the net sales column from highest to lowest

  • Recommend adding columns for email and phone number

Performance metrics by referral source

  • Sales metrics are based on all sales tied to all clients historically linked to each referral source, not just new sales tied to the referral source

Performance metrics by referral source and client name

  • Sales metrics are based on all sales tied to all clients historically linked to each referral source, not just new sales tied to the referral source

Recurring sales metrics for subscriptions

  • Report includes metrics for point in time and does not track new membership sales

  • Default metrics include active, but you can filter to view different statuses

  • Best report to track cancelled memberships; when filtering for cancelled memberships it will include all historical cancelled memberships

Unused gift card balances

  • By default, this report includes every individual gift card from the date/time the report is accessed

  • Cannot filter by date range to view historical gift card liability

  • Customization Options: view by location or client

Used gift card balances

  • By default, this report includes every gift card redemption, location the gift card was purchased at, and location of redemption (including cross-location redemption)

  • Customization Options: view by purchased location and redeemed location to track cross-location redemption

Stored balances on clients profiles

  • By default, this report includes every account balance from the date/time the report is accessed

  • Cannot filter by date

  • Account credits cannot be differentiated between credits associated with deposits vs. memberships, etc.

Track revisit metrics for clients by location

Track revisit metrics for clients by staff member

Client referrals by date, primary client, and gross sales

  • Use this report to track how many new clients your clients are referring to your business or which clients are referring other clients

  • This report defaults to all clients within the selected date range and does not have the ability to filter by referring client

Overview of changes in liabilities over a period of time.

  • The starting liability denotes the Location's liabilities as of the start of the reporting period.

  • The remaining columns detail changes in liabilities over the reporting period.

The voucher redemptions beta report provides metrics for membership or package vouchers redeemed by clients.

Overview of changes in liabilities over a period of time.

  • The starting liability denotes the Location's liabilities as of the start of the reporting period.

  • The remaining columns detail changes in liabilities over the reporting period.

Tracks all actions related to vouchers that change liability over a specific period.

  • This report helps you monitor voucher usage, manage liabilities, and ensure accurate financial reporting.

Provides a summary of all issued vouchers that have not yet been redeemed.

  • By tracking outstanding voucher liabilities, you can better manage cash flow, forecast future expenses, and ensure accurate accounting practices.


Report Name


Key Points

Your catalog of products at each location

  • By default, this report includes every product from the date/time the report is accessed

  • Average unit cost is default unit cost noted for product

Changes in product quantities and shrinkage

  • Best report to see movement of inventory in and out

  • Inventory adjustment cost is the default unit cost

  • Customization Options: view by adjustment reasons to see how many units are moving based on usage etc.


Report Name


Key Points

Performance of marketing campaigns by location

  • Customization Options: view by campaign type and add an additional row grouping by action taken on to see the individual metrics per automated campaign per day

Clients that booked appointments after receiving a marketing communication

  • Customization Options: add a column for projected appointment sales


Exports are ID based reports intended for API report exports.

Report Name


Location Records

All location records

Appointment Service Records

All appointment service records

Client Records

All client records

Staff Records

All staff records

Service Records

All service records

Timeblock Records

All timeblock records

Product Records

All product records

Schedule Records

All schedule records

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