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Daily Summary Report
Daily Summary Report

Overview of the daily summary report metrics and customization options.

Training BLVD avatar
Written by Training BLVD
Updated over a week ago


The Daily Summary report provides a summary of daily activity by appointments, services, and products. This is the best all-purpose report, so if you want to build a customized report, but don’t know where to start we recommend starting with the daily summary.

Note: As of August 1, all sales metrics include the value of vouchers that have been redeemed for services. If you use vouchers in your business, please see Vouchers as Payments: Before and After for more info and a breakdown of voucher value.

Default Metrics



Appointment Count

distinct count of appointments

Requested Appointment Count

number of appointments where a staff member was requested

Sale Date

date of sale

Service Count

count of total services complete

Service Sales

net sales amount for service line items

Service Sales Tax

total sales tax for service line items

Product Quantity Sold

total quantity of products sold

Product Sales

net sales value for product line items

Product Sales Tax

total sales tax for product line items

Tip Sales

net sales from gratuity line items

Product Client Count

count of unique clients who purchased a product

Gross Sales

All sales before discounts and refunds. This includes Services, Retail, Packages, Memberships, Gift Cards, Gratuity, Account Balance, Offset Fees, and Prepaid Units. Sales do not include Sales Tax.

Net Sales

All sales after discounts and refunds. This includes Services, Retail, Packages, Memberships, Gift Cards, Gratuity, Account Balance, Offset Fees, and Prepaid Units. Sales do not include Sales Tax.

Customization Options

Customizing reports gives you complete control, so you can see where you can improve and make data-driven decisions that drive your business forward.

Location and Staff

Sale Date and Location

Staff and Date OR Date and Staff

Membership Sales

Additional columns can be added to track membership sales, including New Membership Sales, Recurring Membership Sales, and Total Membership Sales. A membership sales report provides insight into membership acquisition trends and helps track performance.

  1. Add columns for New Membership Sales, Recurring Membership Sales, and Total Membership Sales.

Tag Summary

To view a tag summary, group the rows by order tag and add the following columns:

  • Appointment Count

  • Retail Product Count

  • Package Count

  • Total Membership Count

NOTE: This was formerly a beta report.

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