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Product Sales Report
Product Sales Report

Overview of the product sales report metrics and customization options.

Training BLVD avatar
Written by Training BLVD
Updated over a week ago


The product sales report provides total product sales by order including count, dollar amount, and tax.

NOTE: The report version does not include data for cost value and total. This report also includes membership and package sales.

Default Metrics



Product Sales

Net sales value for product line items

Product Quantity Sold

Total quantity of products sold

Sales per Order

Product sales divided by order count

Product Sales Tax

Total sales tax for product line items

Customization Options

Customizing reports gives you complete control, so you can see where you can improve and make data-driven decisions that drive your business forward.

Product Sales by Category

Filter out Membership/Package Sales

By default this report includes membership and package sales. Use filters to remove/exclude memberships and packages categories, if needed.

NOTE: This was formerly a beta report.

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