Data Definitions
See below for definitions of Boulevard’s report data measures to help guide your data analysis. For more information on reports, see Reports.
Note: As of August 1, all sales metrics include the value of vouchers that have been redeemed for services. If you use vouchers in your business, please see Vouchers as Payments: Before and After for more info and a breakdown of voucher value.
Metric | Definition |
Account Balances | Sum of all account balances |
Account Balance Liabilities | Account Balances where a liability exists |
Account Balance Receivables | Account Balances where the balance is owed |
Account Balance Sales | Net sales for account balance line items |
Action Take On (marketing) | Date that the Appointment Generation action occurred |
Active (gift cards) | If the gift card is active |
Activity Date (voucher) | Date the voucher activity occurred |
Adjustment Reason (inventory) | Reason for the adjustment |
Amendments | Gross sales for amendment line items |
Appointment Count | Distinct count of appointments |
Appointment Count (discounts & offers) | Count of Appointments that had a Discount applied |
Appointment ID | Id of the Appointment containing the Service |
Appointment ID (discounts & offers) | Appointment Id where the discount was applied |
Appointment Sales (marketing) | Total value of appointments that were completed from a marketing blast |
Appointment Service ID | ID of the appointment service |
Appointments Booked (marketing) | Total number of appointments booked |
Appointments Completed (marketing) | Total number of appointments completed |
Average Unit Cost (inventory) | FIFO cost of the inventory record |
Metric | Definition |
Business Charges | Sum of business charges |
Metric | Definition |
Campaign (marketing) | Name of the Marketing Campaign |
Campaign ID (marketing) | ID of the Marketing Campaign |
Capped Business Charges | Lowest value between Net Sales and Business charges for the line item, 0 if this value is negative |
Card Brand | Brand of the card used for the Payment or Refund |
Card Last 4 | Last 4 digits of the card used |
Card Swiped | If a card was Swiped during Payment or Refund |
Cash Deposits Paid Out | Total value of deposits |
Cash End Amount | Total value of cash after the closeout |
Cash Expenses Paid Out | Total amount of Expenses Paid Out |
Cash Paid In | Total value of cash paid in |
Cash Sales | Total value of sales |
Cash Shortage | Shortage of register as of the closeout |
Cash Refunds | Total value of refunds |
Category ID (inventory) | ID of the product category |
Category Name (inventory) | Name of product category |
Client Count | Unique number of clients |
Client Count (discounts & offers) | Count of Clients that had a Discount applied |
Client Email (subscriptions) | Email of the Subscription Client |
Client ID (account balances) | ID of the client with the account balance |
Client ID (marketing) | ID of the Client receiving Marketing communications |
Client ID (subscriptions) | ID of the Subscription Client |
Client Name (account balances) | Name of the client with the account balance |
Client Name (payments & refunds) | Client whose Payment is being processed |
Client Name (vouchers) | Client who purchased the voucher |
Client Name (subscriptions) | Name of the Client associated with the Subscription |
Client Name (gift cards) | Name of the Client that Purchased the GC |
Client Tag (gift cards) | Tags associated to the Purchasing Client |
Communication ID (marketing) | ID of the individual Marketing Communication sent to the Client |
Converted (marketing) | Whether the Campaign lead to a conversion |
Cost Value (inventory) | Total cost of current inventory (Average Unit Cost * Current Quantity) |
Created At (UTC; payments & refunds) | When the Payment or Refund was created |
Created At (UTC; gift cards) | When the gift card was created |
Created On (subscriptions) | When the subscription was created |
Current Quantity (inventory) | Current number of product units available |
Metric | Definition |
Date (register) | Date of the closeout |
Date (time clock) | Date of the time clock entry |
Delivery % | Percentage of sent emails that were delivered |
Delivery Status | The email status for each communication |
Description (register) | Description of the closeout event |
Description (voucher) | What voucher activity occurred; Sale, redemption, void, refund, or expiration |
Discount Amount | Sum of discount amount |
Discount ID | ID of discount |
Discount Name | Name associated with discount |
Discount Total | Total value of discounts |
Discount Type | Type of discount |
Discretionary Discounts | Discount Amount minus Promotional Discounts |
Metric | Definition |
Emails Attempted (marketing) | Total number of emails that were attempted to be sent |
Enabled (inventory) | If the product-location combination is enabled |
Ending Liability (vouchers) | Starting liability + Net change in voucher liability |
End On (subscriptions) | When the subscription ends |
Expirations (vouchers) | Sum of the value of vouchers that expired in the date range |
Expires On (vouchers) | Date the voucher expires |
Metric | Definition |
Fee Name | Name of fee |
First Client Count | Unique number of clients who had their first service in the date range |
First Visit Count | Unique number of clients who had their first service in the date range |
Metric | Definition |
Gift Card Balance | Balance left on the gift card |
Gift Card Code | Code associated with gift card |
Gift Card Count | Count of gift cards |
Gift Card ID | ID of the gift card |
Gift Card Refunds Count | Count of line items that are Refunds of a Gift Card |
Gift Card Sales | Net Sales value for Gift Card Sales |
Gift Card Sales Count | Sum of gift card sales quantities |
Gift Card Type | Type of gift card (cash or voucher) |
Gross Gift Card Sales | Gross sales value for gift card sales |
Gross Gratuity | Gross Sales value for Gratuity line items that are either Amendments or Sales |
Gross New Membership Sales | Gross Sales value for New Membership sales |
Gross Package Sales | Gross Sales value for line items where the sale type is Amendment or Sale and the Product is a Package |
Gross Recurring Membership Sales | Gross Sales value for Recurring Membership Sales with Amendment or Sale type |
Gross Retail Product Sales | Gross Sales value for Product sales that aren’t packages or subscriptions |
Gross Sales | Total sales before discounts, offers, or refunds applied are broken out by services, retail products, packages, memberships, gift cards, offset fees, and gratuity. |
Gross Service Sales | Gross Sales value for Service line items |
Gross Total Membership Sales | Gross Sales value for Product line items where the Product is a Membership |
Metric | Definition |
Hours Booked | Sum of hours booked for services |
Hours Clocked | Number of hours in the time clock entry |
Hours Scheduled | Sum of hours scheduled
Excludes Scheduled hours for:
Metric | Definition |
ID (account balances) | Account balance ID |
ID (inventory) | ID of the inventory record |
ID (payments & refunds) | ID of the payment or refund |
ID (referrals) | ID of the referral |
ID (register) | ID of the closeout |
ID (subscriptions) | ID of the subscription |
ID (time clock) | ID of the time clock record |
In At (time clock) | When the time clock entry starts |
Metric | Definition |
Liability Adjustment | Change in Liability for the Voucher Activity (If Type = ‘Decrease’, this is -1 * Voucher Value) |
Liability Type (vouchers) | Increase or decrease of voucher liability |
Lifetime Gross Sales | Total gross sales; Gross sales equals total sales before discounts, offers, or refunds applied are broken out by services, retail products, packages, memberships, gift cards, offset fees, and gratuity. |
Location External ID (payments & refunds) | External ID of the location |
Location ID (discounts & offers) | Location ID where the discount was applied |
Location ID (gift cards) | ID of the Location that the GC was purchased at |
Location ID (payments & refunds) | ID of the Location the Payment/Refund occurred at |
Location ID (subscriptions) | Location Id for the membership |
Location Name (gift cards) | Name of the Location that the gift card was purchased at |
Location Name (inventory) | Name of the Location the Inventory record or adjustment is tied to |
Location Name (marketing) | Location that the marketing communication is associated with |
Location Name (payments & refunds) | Name of the Location where the Payment or Refund was processed |
Location Name (register) | Location where the closeout occurred |
Location Name (subscriptions) | Location where the membership was purchased |
Location Name (time clock) | Location of the time clock entry |
Metric | Definition |
Manual Add (vouchers) | Value of manually granted vouchers |
Median Gift Card Value | Median of gift card values |
Member Package (vouchers) | Name of the product that spawned the voucher |
Member Package Category (vouchers) | Category of the product that spawned the voucher |
Merchant Name (payments & refunds) | Name of the Merchant account used to process the Payment or Refund |
Minutes Clocked | Number of minutes in the time clock entry |
Metric | Definition |
Net Change in Voucher Liability | Sum of sales, manual add, expirations, voids, and redemptions |
Net Gift Card Sales | Net Sales for Gift Card line items |
Net Gratuity | Net Sales for Gratuity line items |
Net New Membership Sales | Net Sales for Membership purchases that are not renewals |
Net Package Sales | Net Sales for Packages |
Net Prepaid Value | Net Value of a Payment with Prepaid Units |
Net Recurring Membership Sales | Net Sales for Memberships |
Net Retail Product Sales | Net Sales for Product line items that are not Memberships or Packages |
Net Sales | All sales after discounts and refunds. This includes Services, Retail, Packages, Memberships, Gift Cards, Gratuity, Account Balance, Offset Fees, and Prepaid Units. Sales do not include Sales Tax. |
Net Service Sales | Net Sales value for Service line items |
Net Total Membership Sales | Net Sales for all Membership sales |
New Client Count | Unique count of Clients who had their first Appointment |
New Client Count - Non Requested | Unique count of Clients who had their first Appointment and did not request the Staff member |
New Client Count - Requested | Distinct count of Clients who had their first Appointment and requested the Staff member |
New Memberships Count | Count of new membership purchases |
New Memberships Refunds Count | Count of new membership refunds |
Note (payments & refunds) | Notes added to the Payment or Refund |
Metric | Definition |
Offer Codes | Applicable offer codes |
Operator Name | Name of operator who created the order |
Order # | Number of order |
Order Client Count | Number of clients who had an order |
Order ID | ID of order |
Order ID (discounts & offers) | Order ID where the discount was applied |
Order ID (inventory) | Id of the Order associated with the Inventory Adjustment |
Order ID (payments & refunds) | ID of the Order associated to the Payment or Refund |
Order Note (gift cards) | Note for the redemption order |
Order Tag Name | Tag associated with order |
Out At (time clock) | When the time clock entry ends |
Metric | Definition |
Package Count | Count of package line items |
Package Refunds Count | Count of package refunds line items |
Payment Method (payments & refunds) | Method used for payment |
Personal Blocked Hours | Sum of hours blocked as personal |
Prebooked % | Percentage of Appointments that were Prebooked; Percentage of appointments prebooked on the day of service before midnight |
Prebooked Appointment Count | Count of Appointments that were Prebooked |
Prebooked Client Count | Count of Clients that had a Prebooked Appointment |
Prebooked Service Client Count | Count of Clients that had a Prebooked Appointment |
Prepaid Product Name | Name of the Prepaid Product associated with the Payment method |
Prepaid Product Quantity | Prepaid units quantity used |
Prepaid Product Quantity Sold | Sum of Quantity of prepaid product units sold |
Prepaid Product Sales | Sum of prepaid product unit sales |
Price Value (inventory) | Total Value of current Inventory (Retail Price * Current Quantity) |
Primary Client ID (referrals) | ID of the Client who Referred another Client |
Product Category Name (vouchers) | Product Category of the Product that created the Voucher |
Product Client Count | Count of clients who bought a product |
Product ID (inventory) | ID of the product or ID of the Product whose Inventory is being Adjusted |
Product ID (subscriptions) | Product Id of the Product that creates the membership |
Product Name (inventory) | Name of product or name product being adjusted |
Product Name (subscriptions) | Name of the Product tied to the membership |
Product Name (vouchers) | Name of the Product that created the Voucher |
Product Quantity Sold | Total quantity of products sold |
Product Sales | Net sales value for product line items |
Product Sales Tax | Total sales tax for product line items |
Projected Appointment Sales (marketing) | The Projected Value of Appointments that were created but not yet completed that came from a marketing blast |
Profit Value (inventory) | Price Value minus Cost Value |
Purchase Client (vouchers) | Client who Purchased the Voucher |
Purchase Client ID (gift cards) | ID of Client that Purchased the gift card |
Purchase Client Name (gift cards) | Name of the Client that Purchased the gift card |
Purchase Location ID (gift cards) | ID of the Location that the gift card was Purchased at |
Purchase Location External ID (gift cards) | External ID of the Location that the gift card was Purchased at |
Purchase Location Name (gift cards) | Name of the Location that the gift card was Purchased at |
Purchase Order (vouchers) | Order that the Voucher was Purchased in |
Purchase Location (vouchers) | Location the Voucher was Purchased at |
Purchase Type (vouchers) | If the Voucher was purchased as a Membership or a Package |
Metric | Definition |
Quantity Tracking Enabled (inventory) | If Quantity Tracking is Enabled for the Product |
Metric | Definition |
Recipient Count (marketing) | The number of Clients who received an email |
Recurring Membership Count | Count of Membership renewal line items |
Recurring Memberships Refunds Count | Count of Membership renewals that were Refunded |
Redemptions (vouchers) | The sum of the voucher value of vouchers that originated from this location and were redeemed in the date range |
Redeemed Client (vouchers) | Client who redeemed the Voucher |
Redeeming Client ID (gift cards) | ID of the Client that Redeemed the gift card |
Redeeming Client Name | Name of the Client that Redeemed the gift card |
Redeemed Location (vouchers) | Location that the Voucher was Redeemed at |
Redeemed Location External ID (gift cards) | External ID of the Location that the gift card was Redeemed at |
Redeemed Location ID (gift cards) | ID of the Location the gift card was Redeemed at |
Redeemed On (gift cards) | When the gift card was redeemed |
Redeemed Operator (vouchers) | Staff member associated with the Order the Voucher was redeemed in |
Redeemed Order (vouchers) | Order that the Voucher was Redeemed in |
Redeemed Order ID (gift cards) | ID of the Order that the gift card was Redeemed in |
Redeemed at Another Location | Sum of the voucher value of vouchers that originated from this location and were redeemed at another location in the date range |
Redeemed from Another Location | Sum of the voucher value of voucher that originated from another location and were redeemed at this location in the date range |
Redeemed at Same Location (vouchers) | Sum of the voucher value of vouchers that originated from this location and were redeemed at this location in the date range |
Redeemed Voucher Value | Value of the voucher that was redeemed on this line item |
Redemption Location Name (gift cards) | Name of the Location that the GC was redeemed at |
Redemption Value (gift cards) | Value of the gift card Redemption |
Referral Count | Number of referrals |
Referred Client Name | Name of the Client who was Referred |
Refund Clawback Amount | Gross Sales value for Refunds where the strategy is clawback |
Refund Business Covered Amount | Gross Sales value for Refunds where the strategy is covered |
Refunded Gift Card Sales | Gross Sales value for Refunded Gift Card sales |
Refunded Gratuity | Gross Sales value for Gratuity line items |
Refunded New Membership Sales | Gross Sales value for New Memberships that were Refunded |
Refunded Package Sales | Gross Sales value for Packages that were Refunded |
Refunded Recurring Membership Sales | Gross Sales value for Recurring Membership sales |
Refunded Retail Product Sales | Gross Sales value for Product sales that aren’t part of a Membership or Package |
Refunded Service Sales | Gross Sales value for Service line items that were Refunded |
Refunded Total Membership Sales | Gross Sales value for Refunded Membership line items |
Refunds | Gross Sales value for Refund line items |
Requested Appointment % | Percentage of Appointments where the Staff member was requested |
Requested Appointment Count | Number of Appointments where the Staff member was requested |
Retail Price (inventory) | Price of the product |
Retail Product Count | Count of Product line items that aren’t Memberships or Packages |
Retail Product Refunds Count | Count of Product line item refunds that aren’t Memberships or Packages |
Retail to Service % | Gross Retail Product Sales divided by Gross Service Sales (0 if Gross Service Sales = 0) |
Returning Client Count | Count of Clients that didn’t have their first Appointment |
Returning Client Count - Non Requested | Count of Clients that didn’t have their first Appointment and didn’t request the Staff member
NOTE: This is a unique count, meaning if a client returns more than 1x in the timeframe the report is pulled they will only count as 1 returning client |
Returning Client Count - Requested | Count of Clients that didn’t have their first Appointment and requested the Staff member
NOTE: This is a unique count, meaning if a client returns more than 1x in the timeframe the report is pulled they will only count as 1 returning client |
Metric | Definition |
Sales (vouchers) | Value of old vouchers |
Sales Per Order | Net sales divided by order count |
Sales Tax | Total sales tax |
Self-Booked % | Percentage of Appointments where the Client booked the Appointment themselves |
Self-Booked Appointment Count | Count of Appointments where the Client booked the Appointment themselves |
Self-Booked Sales | Net Sales value for Appointments that were booked by the Client |
Service Category (vouchers) | Service Category that the Redeemed Voucher belongs to |
Service Client Count | Total services completed |
Service Discretionary Discounts | Discount Amount for Service line items |
Service List Price (vouchers) | Average of the Default Price of Services that the Voucher can be Redeemed on |
Service Name (vouchers) | The name of the service the voucher was redeemed on |
Service Product Usage Cost | Total Cost of Service Product usage |
Service Product Usage Quantity | Number of Service Products used |
Service Refunds Count | Count of Services that were Refunded |
Service Sales | Net sales value for service line items. Note: Services using vouchers are included using the voucher value. |
Service Sales per Appointment | Service sales divided by appointment count |
Service Sales Tax | Total Sales Tax for Service line items |
Service Staff Count | Count of staff that performed a service |
Settled On (payments & refunds) | When the Payment or Refund was Settled |
SKU | SKU of the Product being Adjusted |
Sold On (discounts & offers) | When the discount occurred |
Staff Change - Clawback Amount | Gross Sales value for Amendments where the Refund Strategy is clawback |
Staff Change - Net Gift Card Sales | Gross sales value for amendments of gift card line items |
Staff Change - Net Gratuity | Gross sales value for amendments of gratuity line items |
Staff Change - Net New Membership Sales | Gross sales value for amendments of membership line items that aren't recurring |
Staff Change - Net Package Sales | Gross sales value of package sales |
Staff Change - Net Retail Product Sales | Gross sales value for amendments or products that aren't memberships or packages |
Staff Change - Net Service Sales | Gross sales value for amendments of service line items |
Staff Name (time clock) | Staff of the Time Clock entry |
Staff Role Name (time clock) | Staff Role of the Time Clock entry |
Start On (subscriptions) | When the membership starts |
Starting Liability (vouchers) | Liability as of the lower bound of the date selector. Takes into account all liability changes that are on |
Subscription ARR | Annual Recurring Revenue of the membership |
Subscription Interval | How long the membership lasts before renewal |
Subscription MRR | Monthly Recurring Revenue of the membership |
Subscription Status | Status of the membership (Active, Cancelled, Past Due, Paused) |
Metric | Definition |
Tax Rate | Tax rate applied to a product |
Term # | What term the membership is on |
Tip Sales | Net Sales value for Gratuity line items |
Total Membership Count | Count of membership sales |
Total Membership Refunds Count | Count of membership refunds |
Transaction Fees (payments & refunds) | Total Transaction fees associated with the Payment or Refund |
Metric | Definition |
Unit Cost | Unit Cost of the Inventory record |
Unsubscribes (marketing) | The number of Clients who unsubscribed after a Marketing Blast |
Utilization % | Hours Booked / (Hours Scheduled - Business Blocked Hours) |
Updated At (UTC; account balances) | When the Account Balance was updated |
Updated At (UTC; gift cards) | When the gift card was last updated |
Updated At (UTC; referrals) | When the Referral record was last updated |
Updated On (subscriptions) | When the membership was last updated |
Metric | Definition |
Voids (vouchers) | Sum of the value of vouchers that were voided in the date range |
Voucher Discount | Service List Price minus Voucher Value |
Voucher ID | ID of voucher |
Voucher Redemptions | Count of vouchers redeemed |
Voucher Redemption Value | Total value of redeemed vouchers |
Voucher Value | Value of the Voucher |
Metric | Definition |
X-Day Business Revisit Count | The number of clients that returned to the business within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Business Revisit (%) | The percent of clients that returned to the business within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Location Revisit Count | The number of clients that returned to the location within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Location Revisit (%) | The percent of clients that returned to the location within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Membership Sale Count | The number of clients that purchased a membership within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Membership Sale (%) | The percent of clients that purchased a membership within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Package Sale Count | The number of clients that purchased a package within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Package Sale (%) | The percent of clients that purchased a package within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Package Upsell Count | The number of clients that purchased a package within X days from their first visit to a location in the date range |
X-Day Package Upsell (%) | The percent of clients that purchased a package within X days from their first visit to a location in the date range |
X-Day Staff Revisit Count | The number of clients that returned to the same staff member within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Staff Revisit (%) | The percent of clients that returned to the same staff member within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Subscription Upsell Count | The number of clients that purchased a membership within X days from their first visit to a location in the date range |
X-Day Subscription Upsell (%) | The percent of clients that purchased a membership within X days from their first visit to a location in the date range |
NOTE: The X above refers to the available date window buckets: 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, or 180