Data Definitions
See below for definitions of Boulevard’s report data measures to help guide your data analysis. For more information on reports, see Reports.
Note: As of August 1, all sales metrics include the value of vouchers that have been redeemed for services. If you use vouchers in your business, please see Vouchers as Payments: Before and After for more info and a breakdown of voucher value.
*Metrics included in the Membership & Package builder Beta test.
Metric | Definition |
Account Balances | Sum of all account balances |
Account Balance Liabilities | Account Balances where a liability exists |
Account Balance Receivables | Account Balances where the balance is owed |
Account Balance Sales | Net sales for account balance line items |
Active Membership Count* | The number of active memberships on the last day of the time period selected |
Action Take On (marketing) | Date that the Appointment Generation action occurred |
Active (gift cards) | If the gift card is active |
Activity Date (voucher) | Date the voucher activity occurred |
Adjustment Reason (inventory) | Reason for the adjustment |
Amendments | Gross sales for amendment line items |
Appointment Count | Distinct count of appointments |
Appointment Count (discounts & offers) | Count of Appointments that had a Discount applied |
Appointment ID | Id of the Appointment containing the Service |
Appointment ID (discounts & offers) | Appointment Id where the discount was applied |
Appointment Sales (marketing) | Total value of appointments that were completed from a marketing blast |
Appointment Service ID | ID of the appointment service |
Appointments Booked (marketing) | Total number of appointments booked |
Appointments Completed (marketing) | Total number of appointments completed |
Average Unit Cost (inventory) | FIFO cost of the inventory record |
Metric | Definition |
Billing Date* | The day of the month when the membership recurs |
Business Charges | Sum of business charges |
Metric | Definition |
Campaign (marketing) | Name of the Marketing Campaign |
Campaign ID (marketing) | ID of the Marketing Campaign |
Cancel Date* | The date this membership was canceled. |
Canceled Membership Count* | The number of canceled memberships on the last day of the time period selected |
Capped Business Charges | Lowest value between Net Sales and Business charges for the line item, 0 if this value is negative |
Card Brand | Brand of the card used for the Payment or Refund |
Card Last 4 | Last 4 digits of the card used |
Card Swiped | If a card was Swiped during Payment or Refund |
Cash Deposits Paid Out | Total value of deposits |
Cash End Amount | Total value of cash after the closeout |
Cash Expenses Paid Out | Total amount of Expenses Paid Out |
Cash Paid In | Total value of cash paid in |
Cash Sales | Total value of sales |
Cash Shortage | Shortage of register as of the closeout |
Cash Refunds | Total value of refunds |
Category ID (inventory) | ID of the product category |
Category Name (inventory) | Name of product category |
# Clients Active* | The number of clients active on this membership |
# Clients Canceled* | The number of clients who have canceled this membership |
Client Churn %* | The % of clients who have canceled this membership who were active in the previous recurring period. |
Client Retention %* | The % of clients who are active on this membership that were active in the previous recurring period. |
# Clients Past Due* | The number of clients past due on this membership |
# Clients Paused* | The number of clients paused on this membership |
# Clients New* | The # of clients that are new in this period. |
# Clients Retained* | Ending # of clients that have been retained over this period. |
# Clients Churned* | Ending # of clients that have churned over this period. |
Client Count | Unique number of clients |
Client Count (discounts & offers) | Count of Clients that had a Discount applied |
Client Email (subscriptions) | Email of the Subscription Client |
Client ID (account balances) | ID of the client with the account balance |
Client ID (marketing) | ID of the Client receiving Marketing communications |
Client ID (subscriptions) | ID of the Subscription Client |
Client Name (account balances) | Name of the client with the account balance |
Client Name (payments & refunds) | Client whose Payment is being processed |
Client Name (vouchers) | Client who purchased the voucher |
Client Name (subscriptions) | Name of the Client associated with the Subscription |
Client Name (gift cards) | Name of the Client that Purchased the GC |
Client Tag (gift cards) | Tags associated to the Purchasing Client |
Communication ID (marketing) | ID of the individual Marketing Communication sent to the Client |
Converted (marketing) | Whether the Campaign lead to a conversion |
Cost Value (inventory) | Total cost of current inventory (Average Unit Cost * Current Quantity) |
Created At (UTC; payments & refunds) | When the Payment or Refund was created |
Created At (UTC; gift cards) | When the gift card was created |
Created On (subscriptions) | When the subscription was created |
Current Quantity (inventory) | Current number of product units available |
Metric | Definition |
Date (register) | Date of the closeout |
Date (time clock) | Date of the time clock entry |
Delivery % | Percentage of sent emails that were delivered |
Delivery Status | The email status for each communication |
Description (register) | Description of the closeout event |
Description (voucher) | What voucher activity occurred; Sale, redemption, void, refund, or expiration |
Discount Amount | Sum of discount amount |
Discounts Available* | If a discount is available as a perk on this membership |
Discount ID | ID of discount |
Discount Name | Name associated with discount |
Discount Total | Total value of discounts |
Discount Type | Type of discount |
Discretionary Discounts | Discount Amount minus Promotional Discounts |
Metric | Definition |
Emails Attempted (marketing) | Total number of emails that were attempted to be sent |
Enabled (inventory) | If the product-location combination is enabled |
Ending Liability (vouchers) | Starting liability + Net change in voucher liability |
End On (subscriptions) | When the subscription ends |
Expirations (vouchers) | Sum of the value of vouchers that expired in the date range |
Expires On (vouchers) | Date the voucher expires |
Metric | Definition |
Fee Name | Name of fee |
First Client Count | Unique number of clients who had their first service in the date range |
First Visit Count | Unique number of clients who had their first service in the date range |
Metric | Definition |
Gift Card Balance | Balance left on the gift card |
Gift Card Code | Code associated with gift card |
Gift Card Count | Count of gift cards |
Gift Card ID | ID of the gift card |
Gift Card Refunds Count | Count of line items that are Refunds of a Gift Card |
Gift Card Sales | Net Sales value for Gift Card Sales |
Gift Card Sales Count | Sum of gift card sales quantities |
Gift Card Type | Type of gift card (cash or voucher) |
Gross Gift Card Sales | Gross sales value for gift card sales |
Gross Gratuity | Gross Sales value for Gratuity line items that are either Amendments or Sales |
Gross New Membership Sales | Gross Sales value for New Membership sales |
Gross Package Sales | Gross Sales value for line items where the sale type is Amendment or Sale and the Product is a Package |
Gross Recurring Membership Sales | Gross Sales value for Recurring Membership Sales with Amendment or Sale type |
Gross Retail Product Sales | Gross Sales value for Product sales that aren’t packages or subscriptions |
Gross Sales | Total sales before discounts, offers, or refunds applied are broken out by gross service sales, gross retail product sales, gross package sales, gross total membership sales, gross gift card sales, account balance sales, prepaid product sales, offset fees, and gross gratuity. |
Gross Service Sales | Gross Sales value for Service line items |
Gross Total Membership Sales | Gross Sales value for Product line items where the Product is a Membership |
Metric | Definition |
Hours Booked | Sum of hours booked for services |
Hours Clocked | Number of hours in the time clock entry |
Hours Scheduled | Sum of hours scheduled
Excludes Scheduled hours for:
Metric | Definition |
ID (account balances) | Account balance ID |
ID (inventory) | ID of the inventory record |
ID (payments & refunds) | ID of the payment or refund |
ID (referrals) | ID of the referral |
ID (register) | ID of the closeout |
ID (subscriptions) | ID of the subscription |
ID (time clock) | ID of the time clock record |
In At (time clock) | When the time clock entry starts |
Metric | Definition |
Liability Adjustment | Change in Liability for the Voucher Activity (If Type = ‘Decrease’, this is -1 * Voucher Value) |
Liability Type (vouchers) | Increase or decrease of voucher liability |
Lifetime Gross Sales | Total gross sales; Gross sales equals total sales before discounts, offers, or refunds applied are broken out by services, retail products, packages, memberships, gift cards, offset fees, and gratuity. |
Lifetime Value on Membership* | Total amount paid by the client on any products, services, memberships, and packages while this membership was active. |
Line Item Type* | The type of line item. Include all values from Sale Type along with Membership and Package. |
Location External ID (payments & refunds) | External ID of the location |
Location ID (discounts & offers) | Location ID where the discount was applied |
Location ID (gift cards) | ID of the Location that the GC was purchased at |
Location ID (payments & refunds) | ID of the Location the Payment/Refund occurred at |
Location ID (subscriptions) | Location Id for the membership |
Location Name (gift cards) | Name of the Location that the gift card was purchased at |
Location Name (inventory) | Name of the Location the Inventory record or adjustment is tied to |
Location Name (marketing) | Location that the marketing communication is associated with |
Location Name* (memberships & packages) | The location where the membership or package was sold. |
Location Name (payments & refunds) | Name of the Location where the Payment or Refund was processed |
Location Name (register) | Location where the closeout occurred |
Location Name (subscriptions) | Location where the membership was purchased |
Location Name (time clock) | Location of the time clock entry |
Metric | Definition |
Manual Add (vouchers) | Value of manually granted vouchers |
Median Gift Card Value | Median of gift card values |
# Memberships Active* | The # of memberships activated during this period. |
# Memberships Canceled | The # of memberships canceled during this period. |
Membership Change Reason* | The reason why the state of the membership changed
30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 day periods available |
# Memberships Churned* | Ending # of memberships that canceled or became past due over this period. |
Membership Client Count* | Total number of clients who have paid for a membership within X-days of receiving a service from this staff member. |
Membership Client LTV* | Total amount paid by the client on any products, services, memberships, and packages while this membership was active. |
Membership Client Retention %* | The number of clients who are on active membership relative to the previous membership period.
30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 day periods available |
Membership Conversion Rate* | The % of times a client purchased a membership after receiving a service from the staff member. |
Membership ID* | The ID of the membership |
Membership Length* | The number of times the membership was renewed |
Membership Name* | Name of the membership |
# Memberships New* | The # of memberships that are new in this period |
Member Package (vouchers) | Name of the product that spawned the voucher |
Member Package Category (vouchers) | Category of the product that spawned the voucher |
# Memberships Past Due* | The # of memberships moved to past due during this period. |
# Memberships Paused* | The # of memberships paused during this period. |
Membership Plan ID* | The ID of the membership plan |
Membership Reason* | The reason the state of the membership for the line item |
# Memberships Retained* | Ending # of membership that continue to be active or paused over this period. |
Membership State* | The state of the membership for the line item |
Membership Status* | The status of the membership (active, paused, past due, canceled) |
Merchant Name (payments & refunds) | Name of the Merchant account used to process the Payment or Refund |
Minutes Clocked | Number of minutes in the time clock entry |
Metric | Definition |
Net Change in Voucher Liability | Sum of sales, manual add, expirations, voids, and redemptions |
Net Gift Card Sales | Net Sales for Gift Card line items |
Net Gratuity | Net Sales for Gratuity line items |
Net New Membership Sales | Net Sales for Membership purchases that are not renewals |
Net Package Sales | Net Sales for Packages |
Net Prepaid Value | Net Value of a Payment with Prepaid Units |
Net Recurring Membership Sales | Net Sales for Memberships |
Net Retail Product Sales | Net Sales for Product line items that are not Memberships or Packages |
Net Sales | All sales after discounts and refunds. This includes Services, Retail, Packages, Memberships, Gift Cards, Gratuity, Account Balance, Offset Fees, and Prepaid Units. Sales do not include Sales Tax. |
Net Sales (Less Vouchers) | All sales after discounts and refunds. This includes Services, Retail, Packages, Memberships, Gift Cards, Gratuity, Account Balance, Offset Fees, and Prepaid Units. Sales do not include Sales Tax. Voucher payments are noted as discounts applied to the sale amount. |
Net Service Sales | Net Sales value for Service line items |
Net Total Membership Sales | Net Sales for all Membership sales |
New Client Count | Unique count of Clients who had their first Appointment |
New Client Count - Non Requested | Unique count of Clients who had their first Appointment and did not request the Staff member |
New Client Count - Requested | Distinct count of Clients who had their first Appointment and requested the Staff member |
New Memberships Count | Count of new membership purchases |
New Memberships Refunds Count | Count of new membership refunds |
New Membership Sales* | New membership sales during this period. |
Note (payments & refunds) | Notes added to the Payment or Refund |
Metric | Definition |
Offer Codes | Applicable offer codes |
Operator Name | Name of operator who created the order |
Order # | Number of order |
Order Client Count | Number of clients who had an order |
Order ID | ID of order |
Order ID (discounts & offers) | Order ID where the discount was applied |
Order ID (inventory) | Id of the Order associated with the Inventory Adjustment |
Order ID (payments & refunds) | ID of the Order associated to the Payment or Refund |
Order Note (gift cards) | Note for the redemption order |
Order Tag Name | Tag associated with order |
Out At (time clock) | When the time clock entry ends |
Metric | Definition |
Package Count | Count of package line items |
Package ID* | The ID of the package |
Package Name* | The name of the package for the line item |
Package Refunds Count | Count of package refunds line items |
Package Tax* | Tax collected from all package sales |
Past Due Membership Count* | The number of past due memberships on the last day of the time period selected |
Paused %* | The percentage of memberships paused in the time period selected |
Past Due %* | The percentage of memberships who had failed payments in the time period selected. |
Pause Date* | If the membership is currently paused, the date it was paused. |
Paused Membership Count* | The number of paused memberships on the last day of the time period selected |
Payment Method (payments & refunds) | Method used for payment |
Personal Blocked Hours | Sum of hours blocked as personal |
Prebooked % | Percentage of appointments that were Prebooked; Percentage of appointments prebooked on the day of service before midnight. Checkout prebooking appointments for more details on how the metric is calculated. |
Prebooked Appointment Count | Count of Appointments that were Prebooked |
Prebooked Client Count | Count of Clients that had a Prebooked Appointment |
Prebooked Service Client Count | Count of Clients that had a Prebooked Appointment |
Prepaid Product Name | Name of the Prepaid Product associated with the Payment method |
Prepaid Product Quantity | Prepaid units quantity used |
Prepaid Product Quantity Sold | Sum of Quantity of prepaid product units sold |
Prepaid Product Sales | Sum of prepaid product unit sales |
Price Value (inventory) | Total Value of current Inventory (Retail Price * Current Quantity) |
Primary Client ID (referrals) | ID of the Client who Referred another Client |
Product Category Name (vouchers) | Product Category of the Product that created the Voucher |
Product Client Count | Count of clients who bought a product |
Product ID (inventory) | ID of the product or ID of the Product whose Inventory is being Adjusted |
Product ID (subscriptions) | Product Id of the Product that creates the membership |
Product Name (inventory) | Name of product or name product being adjusted |
Product Name (subscriptions) | Name of the Product tied to the membership |
Product Name (vouchers) | Name of the Product that created the Voucher |
Product Quantity Sold | Total quantity of products sold |
Product Sales | Net sales value for product line items |
Product Sales Tax | Total sales tax for product line items |
Projected Appointment Sales (marketing) | The Projected Value of Appointments that were created but not yet completed that came from a marketing blast |
Profit Value (inventory) | Price Value minus Cost Value |
Purchase Client (vouchers) | Client who Purchased the Voucher |
Purchase Client ID (gift cards) | ID of Client that Purchased the gift card |
Purchase Client Name (gift cards) | Name of the Client that Purchased the gift card |
Purchase Location ID (gift cards) | ID of the Location that the gift card was Purchased at |
Purchase Location External ID (gift cards) | External ID of the Location that the gift card was Purchased at |
Purchase Location Name (gift cards) | Name of the Location that the gift card was Purchased at |
Purchase Order (vouchers) | Order that the Voucher was Purchased in |
Purchase Location (vouchers) | Location the Voucher was Purchased at |
Purchase Type (vouchers) | If the Voucher was purchased as a Membership or a Package |
Metric | Definition |
Quantity Tracking Enabled (inventory) | If Quantity Tracking is Enabled for the Product |
Metric | Definition |
Recipient Count (marketing) | The number of Clients who received an email |
Recurring Frequency* | How often the membership recurs. Eg. Monthly, weekly, etc. |
Recurring Membership Count | Count of Membership renewal line items |
Recurring Membership Sales* | Sales from memberships that recur on a regular basis |
Recurring Memberships Refunds Count | Count of Membership renewals that were Refunded |
Redemptions (vouchers) | The sum of the voucher value of vouchers that originated from this location and were redeemed in the date range |
Redeemed Client (vouchers) | Client who redeemed the Voucher |
Redeeming Client ID (gift cards) | ID of the Client that Redeemed the gift card |
Redeeming Client Name | Name of the Client that Redeemed the gift card |
Redeemed Location (vouchers) | Location that the Voucher was Redeemed at |
Redeemed Location External ID (gift cards) | External ID of the Location that the gift card was Redeemed at |
Redeemed Location ID (gift cards) | ID of the Location the gift card was Redeemed at |
Redeemed On (gift cards) | When the gift card was redeemed |
Redeemed Operator (vouchers) | Staff member associated with the Order the Voucher was redeemed in |
Redeemed Order (vouchers) | Order that the Voucher was Redeemed in |
Redeemed Order ID (gift cards) | ID of the Order that the gift card was Redeemed in |
Redeemed at Another Location | Sum of the voucher value of vouchers that originated from this location and were redeemed at another location in the date range |
Redeemed from Another Location | Sum of the voucher value of voucher that originated from another location and were redeemed at this location in the date range |
Redeemed at Same Location (vouchers) | Sum of the voucher value of vouchers that originated from this location and were redeemed at this location in the date range |
Redeemed Voucher Value | Value of the voucher that was redeemed on this line item |
Redemption Location Name (gift cards) | Name of the Location that the GC was redeemed at |
Redemption Value (gift cards) | Value of the gift card Redemption |
Referral Count | Number of referrals |
Referred Client Name | Name of the Client who was Referred |
Refund Clawback Amount | Gross Sales value for Refunds where the strategy is clawback |
Refund Business Covered Amount | Gross Sales value for Refunds where the strategy is covered |
Refunded Gift Card Sales | Gross Sales value for Refunded Gift Card sales |
Refunded Gratuity | Gross Sales value for Gratuity line items |
Refunded New Membership Sales | Gross Sales value for New Memberships that were Refunded |
Refunded Package Sales | Gross Sales value for Packages that were Refunded |
Refunded Recurring Membership Sales | Gross Sales value for Recurring Membership sales |
Refunded Retail Product Sales | Gross Sales value for Product sales that aren’t part of a Membership or Package |
Refunded Service Sales | Gross Sales value for Service line items that were Refunded |
Refunded Total Membership Sales | Gross Sales value for Refunded Membership line items |
Refunds | Gross Sales value for Refund line items |
Requested Appointment % | Percentage of Appointments where the Staff member was requested |
Requested Appointment Count | Number of Appointments where the Staff member was requested |
Retail Price (inventory) | Price of the product |
Retail Product Count | Count of Product line items that aren’t Memberships or Packages |
Retail Product Refunds Count | Count of Product line item refunds that aren’t Memberships or Packages |
Retail to Service % | Gross Retail Product Sales divided by Gross Service Sales (0 if Gross Service Sales = 0) |
Returning Client Count | Count of Clients that didn’t have their first Appointment |
Returning Client Count - Non Requested | Count of Clients that didn’t have their first Appointment and didn’t request the Staff member
NOTE: This is a unique count, meaning if a client returns more than 1x in the timeframe the report is pulled they will only count as 1 returning client |
Returning Client Count - Requested | Count of Clients that didn’t have their first Appointment and requested the Staff member
NOTE: This is a unique count, meaning if a client returns more than 1x in the timeframe the report is pulled they will only count as 1 returning client |
Metric | Definition |
Sales (vouchers) | Value of old vouchers |
Sales Channel* | If a membership was purchased in-store or online |
Sales Per Order | Net sales divided by order count |
Sales Tax | Total sales tax |
Self-Booked % | Percentage of Appointments where the Client booked the Appointment themselves |
Self-Booked Appointment Count | Count of Appointments where the Client booked the Appointment themselves |
Self-Booked Sales | Net Sales value for Appointments that were booked by the Client |
Service Category (vouchers) | Service Category that the Redeemed Voucher belongs to |
Service Client Count | Number of clients who received a service |
Service Count | Total services completed |
Service Discretionary Discounts | Discount Amount for Service line items |
Service List Price (vouchers) | Average of the Default Price of Services that the Voucher can be Redeemed on |
Service Name (vouchers) | The name of the service the voucher was redeemed on |
Service Product Usage Cost | Total Cost of Service Product usage |
Service Product Usage Quantity | Number of Service Products used |
Service Refunds Count | Count of Services that were Refunded |
Service Sales | Net sales value for service line items. Note: Services using vouchers are included using the voucher value. |
Service Sales per Appointment | Service sales divided by appointment count |
Service Sales Tax | Total Sales Tax for Service line items |
Service Staff Count | Count of staff that performed a service |
Settled On (payments & refunds) | When the Payment or Refund was Settled |
SKU | SKU of the Product being Adjusted |
Sold On (discounts & offers) | When the discount occurred |
Staff Change - Clawback Amount | Gross Sales value for Amendments where the Refund Strategy is clawback |
Staff Change - Net Gift Card Sales | Gross sales value for amendments of gift card line items |
Staff Change - Net Gratuity | Gross sales value for amendments of gratuity line items |
Staff Change - Net New Membership Sales | Gross sales value for amendments of membership line items that aren't recurring |
Staff Change - Net Package Sales | Gross sales value of package sales |
Staff Change - Net Retail Product Sales | Gross sales value for amendments or products that aren't memberships or packages |
Staff Change - Net Service Sales | Gross sales value for amendments of service line items |
Staff Name (time clock) | Staff of the Time Clock entry |
Staff Role Name (time clock) | Staff Role of the Time Clock entry |
Staff Seller* | The staff member who sold the membership to the client |
Start On (subscriptions) | When the membership starts |
Starting Liability (vouchers) | Liability as of the lower bound of the date selector. Takes into account all liability changes that are on |
Starting # Clients* | Starting # of clients active or paused. |
Starting # Memberships* | Starting # of memberships active or paused. |
Subscription ARR | Annual Recurring Revenue of the membership |
Subscription Interval | How long the membership lasts before renewal |
Subscription MRR | Monthly Recurring Revenue of the membership |
Subscription Status | Status of the membership (Active, Cancelled, Past Due, Paused) |
Metric | Definition |
Tax Rate | Tax rate applied to a product |
Term # | What term the membership is on |
Tip Sales | Net Sales value for Gratuity line items |
Total Lifetime Value* | Total amount paid by the client all time on any products, services, memberships, and packages. |
Total Membership Count | Count of membership sales |
Total Membership Refunds Count | Count of membership refunds |
Total Membership Sales* | Total membership sales during this period. |
Total Membership Spend* | Total amount of fees for this membership paid by the client |
Transaction Fees (payments & refunds) | Total Transaction fees associated with the Payment or Refund |
Metric | Definition |
Unit Cost | Unit Cost of the Inventory record |
Unsubscribes (marketing) | The number of Clients who unsubscribed after a Marketing Blast |
Utilization % | Hours Booked / (Hours Scheduled - Business Blocked Hours)
Utilization % is calculated with the following rules:
Time increments are converted to decimal values when calculated. For example:
15 minutes = .25 30 minutes = .50 45 minutes = .75 60 minutes = 1.00
Hours Booked / (Hours Scheduled - Business Blocked Hours)
7.25 / 8 = 0.90625 = 90.63%
The system then converts this into a % value by moving the decimal in front of the 10th position and will round up to the nearest hundredth if the value of the thousands is 5 or above. |
Updated At (UTC; account balances) | When the Account Balance was updated |
Updated At (UTC; gift cards) | When the gift card was last updated |
Updated At (UTC; referrals) | When the Referral record was last updated |
Updated On (subscriptions) | When the membership was last updated |
Metric | Definition |
Voids (vouchers) | Sum of the value of vouchers that were voided in the date range |
Voucher Discount | Service List Price minus Voucher Value |
Voucher ID | ID of voucher |
Voucher Redemptions | Count of vouchers redeemed |
Voucher Redemption Value | Total value of redeemed vouchers |
Voucher Value | Value of the Voucher |
Metric | Definition |
X-Day Business Revisit Count | The number of clients that returned to the business within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Business Revisit (%) | The percent of clients that returned to the business within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Location Revisit Count | The number of clients that returned to the location within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Location Revisit (%) | The percent of clients that returned to the location within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Membership Sale Count | The number of clients that purchased a membership within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Membership Sale (%) | The percent of clients that purchased a membership within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Package Sale Count | The number of clients that purchased a package within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Package Sale (%) | The percent of clients that purchased a package within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Package Upsell Count | The number of clients that purchased a package within X days from their first visit to a location in the date range |
X-Day Package Upsell (%) | The percent of clients that purchased a package within X days from their first visit to a location in the date range |
X-Day Staff Revisit Count | The number of clients that returned to the same staff member within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Staff Revisit (%) | The percent of clients that returned to the same staff member within X days from their initial visit at a location in the date range |
X-Day Subscription Upsell Count | The number of clients that purchased a membership within X days from their first visit to a location in the date range |
X-Day Subscription Upsell (%) | The percent of clients that purchased a membership within X days from their first visit to a location in the date range |
NOTE: The X above refers to the available date window buckets: 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, or 180