The staff performance by day of week report provides detailed performance metrics by staff member by day of week. It’s recommended to customize this report by adding additional columns that fit the needs of your business. See below for recommendations.
Default Metrics
Metric | Definition |
Sale Date Day of Week | Date of sale |
Gross Sales | All sales before discounts and refunds. This includes Services, Retail, Packages, Memberships, Gift Cards, Gratuity, Account Balance, Offset Fees, and Prepaid Units. Sales do not include Sales Tax. |
Net Sales | Total sales before discounts, offers, or refunds applied are broken out by gross service sales, gross retail product sales, gross package sales, gross total membership sales, gross gift card sales, account balance sales, prepaid product sales, offset fees, and gross gratuity. Sales do not include Sales Tax. |
Service Sales | Net sales value for service line items |
Product Sales | Net sales value for product line items |
Tip Sales | Net sales value for gratuity line items |
Order Count | Count of orders |
Discount Amount | Sum of discount amount |
New Client Count | Unique count of clients who had their first appointment |
Prebooked % | Percentage of appointments that were prebooked
NOTE: This metric includes appointments booked same day of service either internally or using the self-booking overlay. |
Prebook calculates the number of completed appointments where clients booked their next appointment on the same day.
For example, if you had 10 appointments today and 5 clients booked their next appointment on the spot, your prebook count is 5, even if they scheduled a total of 7 future appointments.
The Prebooking percentage is calculated as Prebooked Appointments divided by Total Completed Appointments within the selected date range.
A client is considered prebooked if they have a future appointment, which has not been canceled, and it was scheduled on or before the end of the day of their completed appointment.
Ex. If a client visits on 10/22 and does not book their next appointment same day, but already has an existing appointment on 11/22 they will still be considered prebooked.
Customization Options
Additional columns
It’s recommended to add additional columns for the following metric:
Net Sales (net package, net new membership, net gratuity, net retail product sales, net service sales)
Business charges
Hours Booked
Hours Scheduled
Utilization %
To view quarterly staff performance, add an additional row grouping by quarter.
NOTE: This was formerly a beta report.