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Staff Performance by Day of Week Report
Staff Performance by Day of Week Report

The staff performance by day of week report provides detailed performance metrics by staff member by day of week.

Training BLVD avatar
Written by Training BLVD
Updated over a week ago


The staff performance by day of week report provides detailed performance metrics by staff member by day of week. It’s recommended to customize this report by adding additional columns that fit the needs of your business. See below for recommendations.

Default Metrics



Sale Date Day of Week

Date of sale

Gross Sales

All sales before discounts and refunds. This includes Services, Retail, Packages, Memberships, Gift Cards, Gratuity, Account Balance, Offset Fees, and Prepaid Units. Sales do not include Sales Tax.

Net Sales

All sales after discounts and refunds. This includes Services, Retail, Packages, Memberships, Gift Cards, Gratuity, Account Balance, Offset Fees, and Prepaid Units. Sales do not include Sales Tax.

Service Sales

Net sales value for service line items

Product Sales

Net sales value for product line items

Tip Sales

Net sales value for gratuity line items

Order Count

Count of orders

Discount Amount

Sum of discount amount

New Client Count

Unique count of clients who had their first appointment

Prebooked %

Percentage of appointments that were prebooked

NOTE: This metric includes appointments booked same day of service either internally or using the self-booking overlay.

Customization Options

Additional columns

It’s recommended to add additional columns for the following metric:

  • Net Sales (net package, net new membership, net gratuity, net retail product sales, net service sales)

  • Business charges

  • Hours Booked

  • Hours Scheduled

  • Utilization %


To view quarterly staff performance, add an additional row grouping by quarter.

NOTE: This was formerly a beta report.

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