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Sales Breakdown Report
Sales Breakdown Report

The Sales Breakdown report provides sales performance by staff member and role giving you valuable insights into individual performance.

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Written by Training BLVD
Updated over a week ago


The Sales Breakdown report provides sales performance by staff member and role giving you valuable insights into individual performance.

Default Metrics



Hours Scheduled

Sum of hours scheduled

Order Client Count

Number of unique clients who had an order

Appointment Count

Distinct count of appointments

Prebooked %

Percentage of appointments that were prebooked

Note: This does not include appointments that have been booked prior to completing the scheduled appointment

Service Count

Total services completed

Service Sales

Net sales amount for service line items

Product Quantity Sold

Total quantity of products sold

Product Sales

Net sales amount for product line items

Product Sales Tax

Total sales tax for product line items

Tip Sales

Net sales value for gratuity line items

Business Service Charges

Sum of business service charges

Sales per Order

Net sales divided by order count

Customization Options

Adding Net Sales

Reports default to include gross sales metrics. It’s recommended to add additional columns for net sales.

  • Net sales

  • Net gratuity

  • Net retail product sales

  • Net service sales

NOTE: This was formerly a beta report.

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