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Memberships Report
Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over 2 months ago


The memberships report provides details on all of your memberships and your clients who are subscribed. Learn about when a client started their membership, how often the membership recurs, if the membership is active, and much more!

Default Metrics



Membership ID

the ID of the membership

Membership Name

the name of the membership

Staff Seller

the staff member who sold the membership to the client

Recurring Frequency

how often the membership recurs (e.g. monthly, annually, etc.)

Membership Status

the stat of the membership (e.g. active, paused, past due, canceled)

Date Sold

the date the membership was first sold to the client

Billing Date

the day of the month when the membership recurs

Location Name

the name of the location where the membership was sold

Client Name

the client who purchased the membership

Pause Date

If the membership is currently paused, the date it was paused.

Cancel Date

The date this membership was canceled.

Secondary Metrics



Discounts Available

if a discount is available as a perk on the membership

Membership Change Reason

the reason why the state of the membership was changed

Membership Plan ID

the ID of the membership plan

Customization Options

It's recommended to group by the following measures:

  • Membership Name

  • Staff Seller

  • Recurring Frequency

  • Membership Status

  • Location

  • Client Name

  • Membership Change Reason

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