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Outstanding Voucher Liability Report
Outstanding Voucher Liability Report

The outstanding voucher liability report provides a summary of all issued vouchers that have not yet been redeemed

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over a month ago


The outstanding voucher liability report provides a summary of all issued vouchers that have not yet been redeemed. By tracking outstanding voucher liabilities, you can better manage cash flow, forecast future expenses, and ensure accurate accounting practices. By default, this report includes the following metrics:



Sale Date

Date when the membership or package was sold, or when the referral reward was granted

Purchase Order

Purchase order that granted the voucher

Purchase Order ID

Purchase order ID that granted the voucher

Purchase Location

Location where the membership or package was purchased or location that received a new client referral

Purchasing Client

Client who purchased the membership or package, or who received the voucher reward

Service Name

Service the voucher may be redeemed for

Service Category

Service category the voucher may be redeemed for

Purchase Type

Membership, package, or reward

Product Name

Product the voucher may be redeemed for

Product Category

Product category the voucher may be redeemed for

Service List Price

List price of the service the voucher may be redeemed for

Voucher Discount

The value of the voucher subtracted from the service list price

Voucher Value

The value of the voucher that may be redeemed for a service

NOTE: This was formerly a beta report.

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