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Voucher Redemptions Report
Voucher Redemptions Report

The voucher redemptions report provides metrics for membership or package vouchers redeemed by clients.

Training BLVD avatar
Written by Training BLVD
Updated over a week ago


The voucher redemptions report provides metrics for membership or package vouchers redeemed by clients.

Default Metrics



Client Name

Name of client

Voucher Redemptions

Count of vouchers redeemed

Voucher Redemption Value

Total value of redeemed vouchers

Customization Options

Voucher ID

To create a more detailed version of this report, view the data by voucher ID and include the following columns:

  • Client Name

  • Redeemed On

  • Purchase Location

  • Redeemed Location

  • Service Name

  • Product Name

  • Redemption Value

Adding Client Information

Add additional columns to include:

  • Client Age

  • Client Email

  • Client Mobile #

  • Client Work #

Cross-Location Redemption

To track cross-location redemption, add the following columns:

  • Redeemed location

  • Redeemed on (date of redemption)

  • Redeemed client (client who redeemed the voucher)

Services tied to voucher redeemed

To track services tied to the redeemed voucher, add the following columns:

  • Service name

NOTE: This was formerly a beta report.

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