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Memberships Summary Report
Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over 2 months ago


The membership summary report gives you insight into all of your membership plans and their usage. Learn about how many clients are active per membership, how many have churned, and more.

Default Metrics



# Memberships Active

The # of memberships activated during this period.

# Memberships Canceled

The # of memberships canceled during this period.

# Memberships New

The # of memberships that are new in this period.

# Memberships Churned

Ending # of memberships that canceled or became past due over this period.

Membership Name

The name of the membership

# Clients Active

The number of clients active on the membership

# Clients New

The # of clients that are new in this period.

# Clients Churned

Ending # of clients that have churned over this period.

# Clients Canceled

The number of clients who have canceled the membership

New Membership Sales

New membership sales during this period.

Starting # of Clients

Starting # of clients active or paused.

Starting # Memberships

Starting # of memberships active or paused.

Recurring Membership Sales

Recurring membership sales during this period.

Secondary Metrics



Client Churn %

The % of clients who have canceled the membership and were active in the previous recurring period.

Client Retention %

The % of clients who are active on this membership that were active in the previous recurring period.

# Clients Past Due

The number of clients past due on the membership.

# Clients Paused

The number of clients who have paused the membership.

# Clients Retained

Ending # of clients that have been retained over this period.

# Memberships Past Due

The # of memberships moved to past due during this period.

# Memberships Paused

The # of memberships paused during this period.

# Memberships Retained

Ending # of membership that continue to be active or paused over this period.

Membership ID

The ID of the membership

Membership Plan State

The state of the membership plan, active or inactive

Location Name

The location where the membership was purchased

Total Membership Sales

Total membership sales during this period.

Customization Options

It's recommended to group by the following measures:

  • Location name

  • Membership name

  • Membership plan state

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