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Membership Cancellations Report
Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over 2 months ago


The membership cancellations report provides the reason clients cancel their memberships along with how long the membership lasted and the lifetime value of clients while they were on the membership.

Default Metrics



Membership Name

The name of the membership

Client Name

The name of the client on the membership

Location Name

The location where the membership sold

Start Date

The date the membership started

End Date

The date the membership ended

Cancellation Reason

The reason the membership was canceled

Total Membership Spend

Total amount client paid for the membership over its lifetime

Lifetime value of membership

Total amount paid by the client on any products, services, memberships, and packages while the membership was active

Total Lifetime Value

Total amount paid by the client all time on any products, services, memberships, and packages

Secondary Metrics



Recurring Frequency

How often the membership recurs; e.g. monthly, annually, etc.

Client ID

The client ID

Location ID

The location ID

Membership ID

The membership ID

Membership Length

The number of times the membership was renewed

Membership Plan ID

The membership plan ID

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