The product sales report provides total product sales by order including count, dollar amount, and tax.
NOTE: The report version does not include data for cost value and total. This report also includes membership and package sales.
Default Metrics
Metric | Definition |
Product Sales | Net sales value for product line items |
Product Quantity Sold | Total quantity of products sold |
Sales per Order | Product sales divided by order count |
Product Sales Tax | Total sales tax for product line items |
Secondary Metrics
Metric | Definition |
Amendments | Gross sales for amendment line items |
Appointment Count | Distinct count of appointments |
Appointment ID | ID of appointment |
Appointment Service ID | ID of the appointment service |
Business Charges | Sum of business charges |
Capped Business Charges | Lowest value between Net Sales and Business charges for the line item, 0 if this value is negative |
Client ID | ID of client |
Client Name | Name of client |
Discount Amount | Sum of discount amount |
Discount Name | Name associated with discount |
Discretionary Discounts | Discount Amount minus Promotional Discounts |
Gift Card Refunds Count | Count of line items that are Refunds of a Gift Card |
Gift Card Sales Count | Sum of gift card sales quantities |
Gross Gift Card Sales | Gross sales value for gift card sales |
Gross Gratuity | Gross Sales value for Gratuity line items that are either Amendments or Sales |
Gross New Membership Sales | Gross Sales value for New Membership sales |
Gross Package Sales | Gross Sales value for line items where the sale type is Amendment or Sale and the Product is a Package |
Gross Retail Product Sales | Gross Sales value for Product sales that aren’t packages or subscriptions |
Gross Sales | Total sales before discounts, offers, or refunds applied are broken out by gross service sales, gross retail product sales, gross package sales, gross total membership sales, gross gift card sales, account balance sales, prepaid product sales, offset fees, and gross gratuity. |
Gross Service Sales | Gross Sales value for Service line items |
Line Item Type | The type of line item. Include all values from Sale Type along with Membership and Package. |
Location External ID | External ID of the location |
Location ID | ID of location |
Location Name | Name of location |
Membership Category Name | Category of membership sold |
Membership Client Count | Total number of clients who have paid for a membership within X-days of receiving a service from this staff member |
Membership ID | The ID of the membership |
Membership Name | Name of the membership |
Membership Reason | The reason the state of the membership for the line item |
Membership Sales Tax | Tax collected from all membership sales |
Membership State | The state of the membership for the line item |
Merchant Name | Name of the merchant account |
Net Gift Card Sales | Net Sales for Gift Card line items |
Net Gratuity | Net Sales for Gratuity line items |
Net New Membership Sales | Net Sales for Membership purchases that are not renewals |
Net Package Sales | Net Sales for Packages |
Net Sales (Less Vouchers) | All sales after discounts and refunds. This includes Services, Retail, Packages, Memberships, Gift Cards, Gratuity, Account Balance, Offset Fees, and Prepaid Units. Sales do not include Sales Tax. Voucher payments are noted as discounts applied to the sale amount. |
Net Sales | All sales after discounts and refunds. This includes Services, Retail, Packages, Memberships, Gift Cards, Gratuity, Account Balance, Offset Fees, and Prepaid Units. Sales do not include Sales Tax. |
Net Service Sales | Net Sales value for Service line items |
New Client Count | Unique count of Clients who had their first Appointment |
New Memberships Count | Count of new membership purchases |
New Memberships Refunds Count | Count of new membership refunds |
On Membership |
Operator Name | Name of operator who created the order |
Order # | Number of order |
Order Client Count | Number of clients who had an order |
Order ID | ID of order |
Package Category Name | Category of package |
Package Count | Count of package line items |
Package ID | The ID of the package |
Package Name | The name of the package for the line item |
Package Refunds Count | Count of package refunds line items |
Package Sales Tax | Tax collected from all package sales |
Prebooked % | Percentage of appointments that were Prebooked; Percentage of appointments prebooked on the day of service before midnight. Checkout prebooking appointments for more details on how the metric is calculated. |
Prebooked Appointment Count | Count of Appointments that were Prebooked |
Prebooked Service Client Count | Count of Clients that had a Prebooked Appointment |
Prepaid Product Name | Name of the Prepaid Product associated with the Payment method |
Product Brand | Product brand of the product sold |
Product Category | Product category of the product sold |
Product Client Count | Count of clients who bought a product |
Product ID | ID of the product |
Product Name | Name of product |
Product Sales Tax | Total sales tax for product line items |
Product Sales | Net sales value for product line items |
Redeemed Voucher Value | Value of the voucher that was redeemed on this line item |
Refunded Gift Card Sales | Gross Sales value for Refunded Gift Card sales |
Refunded Gratuity | Gross Sales value for Gratuity line items |
Refunded New Membership Sales | Gross Sales value for New Memberships that were Refunded |
Refunded Package Sales | Gross Sales value for Packages that were Refunded |
Refunded Retail Product Sales | Gross Sales value for Product sales that aren’t part of a Membership or Package |
Refunded Service Sales | Gross Sales value for Service line items that were Refunded |
Refunds | Gross Sales value for Refund line items |
Retail Product Count | Count of Product line items that aren’t Memberships or Packages |
Retail Product Name | Name of retail product |
Retail Product Refunds Count | Count of Product line item refunds that aren’t Memberships or Packages |
Returning Client Count | Count of Clients that didn’t have their first Appointment |
Sale Date | Date of sale |
Sales Tax | Total sales tax |
Sales Per Order (Less Vouchers) | Net sales divided by order count. Same as sales per order, but zeroing out the value of the service line items where a voucher was used as the payment method. |
Service Category | Category of service |
Service Discretionary Discounts | Discount Amount for Service line items |
Service ID | ID of service |
Service Name | Name of service |
Service Product Unit Price | Unit cost of products used in service |
Service Product Usage Price | Total cost of service product usage |
Service Refunds Count | Count of Services that were Refunded |
Service Sales (Less Vouchers) | Service sales divided by appointment count. Same as service sales per appointment but zeros out the amount contributed by service lines where a voucher was used as a payment method. |
Staff ID | ID of staff |
Staff Name | Name of staff |
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Product Sales by Category
NOTE: This was formerly a beta report.