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Description of each summary (formerly classic reports)

Summaries: Master ListMaster list of available summaries
Summary: Access and SharingHow to access and share summaries.
Daily SummaryOverview of Boulevard's daily summary.
Sales SummaryOverview of Boulevard's Sales Summary.
Detailed Line Item SummaryOverview of Boulevard's Detailed Line Item summary.
Product Sales SummaryThe Product Sales summary details by specific product name the sales of each product over a specific time frame.
Payments & Refunds SummaryOverview of Boulevard's Payments & Refunds summary.
Sales Breakdown SummaryOverview of Boulevard's Sales Breakdown summary.
Register Closeout SummaryOverview of Boulevard's Register Closeout Summary which includes cash register activity at the time of closeout.
Net Revenue by Day SummaryOverview of the Net Revenue by Day Summary which provides sales and revenue totals.
Net Revenue by Staff SummaryDetails on Boulevard's Net Revenue by Staff summary which includes sales and revenue totals by staff member.
Operator Activity SummaryDetails on the Operator Activity Summary which lists anyone who opened or closed an order during a selected timeframe.
Service Sales by Staff SummaryDetails on the Service Sales by Staff Summary which includes hours scheduled, service count, service revenue, and more!
Service Sales by Category SummaryDetails on the Service Sales by Category Summary which includes a breakdown by service category for a date range.
Product Sales by Staff SummaryOverview of the Product Sales by Staff Summary.
Product Sales by Category SummaryDetails of the Product Sales by Category Summary which lists product sales grouped by product category.
Product Sales by Brand SummaryOverview of the Product Sales by Brand Summary which lists product sales grouped by brand.
Commission SummaryThe Commission Summary lists by the individual service provider the take-home pay or 'Commission' across a designated time range.
Staff Performance SummaryOverview of Boulevard's Staff Performance Summary.
Service Commission SummaryThe Service Commission Summary lists by individual service provider the take-home pay or 'Commission' across a designated time range.
Product Commission SummaryThe Product Commission Summary lists by individual service provider the take-home pay or 'Commission' across a designated time range.
Tip Commission SummaryThe Tip Commission Summary lists by individual service provider the take-home pay or 'Commission' across a designated time range.
Product Quantity Adjustments SummaryDetails on the Product Quantity Adjustments Summary which includes a detailed log of product quantity changes within a date range.
Inventory On-Hand SummaryOverview of the Inventory On-Hand Summary which shows product, brand, quantity, and more!
Voucher Liability SummaryOverview of the Voucher Liability Summary which shows all outstanding voucher quantities, organized by client.
Voucher Redemptions SummaryDetails on the Voucher Redemptions Summary which shows all redeemed voucher dates organized by client.
Time Clock SummaryOverview of the Time Clock Summary which lists by service provider the total hours worked across a date range.
Staff Schedule SummaryOverview of the Staff Schedule Summary which lists appointments grouped by the service provider within a date range.
Booked Forecast by Day SummaryDetails on the Booked Forecast by Day Summary which includes all current and future appointments by date.
Booked Forecast by Staff SummaryDetails on the Booked Forecast by Staff Summary which shows current and future appointments by staff member.
Appointment Metrics SummaryOverview of the Appointment Metrics Summary which includes hours scheduled, hours booked, and more!
Business Service ChargesOverview of how to add business service charges to services.
Client Accounts Liability SummaryOverview of the Client Accounts Liability Summary which shows all outstanding credits organized by client.
Client Visit Frequency SummaryDetails on the Client Visit Frequency Summary which details the unique appointments per client within a date range.
Tag SummaryOverview of the Tag Summary which shows the number of tagged appointments and products within a date range.
Summary DeprecationWe’ve outlined what summaries (classic reports) are moving and how you can recreate the same (beta) report using our customizable templates.