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Daily Summary

Overview of Boulevard's daily summary.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over a month ago

The Daily Summary shows by day, the:




total number of appointments

Requested Appointments

total number of requested appointments


total services performed

Service Revenue

income to business from services

Service Tax

tax paid on services


products sold

Product Revenue

income to business from products

Product Tax

tax paid on products

Tip Revenue

revenue from gratuity

Product Clients

number of unique clients who purchased at least one product

Membership Revenue

total number of memberships sold

Membership Tax

tax paid on memberships

Package Revenue

total number of packages sold

Package Tax

tax paid on packages

Total Revenue

total income to the business

In this summary as in others, "revenue" is defined as money earned by the business after staff commission, if applicable.

TIP: Use the sort arrow next to the column title to reorganize the rows below.

Example Daily Summary

NOTE: This was formerly a classic report.

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