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Staff Performance Summary
Staff Performance Summary

Overview of Boulevard's Staff Performance Summary.

Will avatar
Written by Will
Updated over a week ago


The Staff Performance Summary lists by service provider advanced details for appointments during the selected date range. This particular summary is also expandable by individual service providers. This is the primary summary that is emailed to staff to inform them of their sales.

The summary includes:

  • Name - service provider's name

  • Role - service provider's staff role

  • Hours Scheduled - total number of work hours published on the Schedule

  • Hours Booked - total time occupied by booked appointments

  • Utilization % - Hours Booked divided by Hours Scheduled

  • Appointment Count - total number of finalized appointments

  • Service Count - total number of services performed

  • Service Revenue - revenue processed from service sales

  • Avg. Service per Apt. - average service revenue calculated after any applied discounts

  • Tip Revenue - income from gratuity

  • Client Count - number of unique clients

  • New Client Count - number of new/first-time clients

  • Product Count - total number of individual products sold

  • Product Revenue - revenue processed from product sales

  • Product Clients - number of unique clients who bought one or more products

Example Staff Performance Summary


Clicking on a Service Provider's name will open a specific Detailed Staff Summary report. In addition to all the information above this report also includes:

  • Order Number - original order number

  • Client - name of client

  • Date - original appointment date

  • Type - either service or product

  • Staff - service provider's name

  • Description - name of service or product

  • Unit Price - price per unit

  • Quantity - number of services or products in the order

  • Total - total order price

Example Staff Performance Report (Detailed Staff Summary)

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