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Text Marketing: Campaign Ideas

Need some inspo to get started with Text Marketing?

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Written by Training BLVD
Updated over a week ago

Text Marketing: Campaign ideas to boost bookings

One of the most impactful ways to use our new Text Blast feature is to drive bookings, so we've provided plug-and-play audiences and campaign content to help you achieve this goal.

Use our 4-step guide to get your Text Blast campaign launched in under 15 minutes.

Step 1: Create your audience

The first step is creating a couple of target audiences you can leverage in text blasts. The audiences you create in the Clients tab of your dashboard will appear in the text blast campaign builder within Marketing Suite.

To create an audience, you can begin by navigating to the Clients tab, and clicking “Audiences” > Create audience.

You’ll see a list of filters appear, that you can use to segment your client list.

Here are examples of audiences you can create in your audience tab, paired with relevant content ideas you can use in text blasts.

Audience Example

Campaign Example

Create an audience of clients who haven’t been in a certain time frame, and give them a reason to come back.

Hey [client name],

It’s been a while, and we miss you! ✨

Enjoy 15% off your next service!

Book now with code SUMMER15.

[Booking link]

Reach past recipients of a particular service category and encourage them to book.

Hi [client name],

Ready for a fresh look for fall? Book now for 10% off your next color service with code FALL10.

[Booking link]

Does a particular provider have slow days coming up? Reach out to their regulars and get them in the door.

Hi [client name],

Rachel has last minute openings this weekend. Let’s get you in!

[Booking link]

Show your VIP clients they’re appreciated with a discount on their next booking.

Hi [client name],

Thanks for being a loyal client. Enjoy 15% off any service booked this month with code VIP15.

[Booking link]

Reach newer clients who recently had their first appointment, and encourage them to book.

Hi [client name],

Thanks for joining the Abundant Salon family! Let’s get that next appointment on the books.

[Booking link]

Step 2: Start a new text blast and select your audience

Once you’ve created your desired audience in the Clients tab, you can navigate to the Marketing tab and create a new text blast.

You’ll notice the audiences you’ve created will show up in the dropdown once you start building your text blast. Select your audience, then proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Write your message content

Next, you can create your campaign content. You can write your own message, or copy & paste one of our examples above and make it your own!

Step 4: Send or schedule your text blast

Once you’ve built your campaign, you can send now, or schedule for later – and watch the bookings flow in!

Quick tips:

  • Use the “Appointment status = is not booked” filter to make sure you’re only targeting clients who don’t already have an upcoming appointment.

  • If you’re using PROMO CODES in your text blasts, make sure you set those up first so they’ll be applicable at checkout in the self booking overlay on your website.

  • Don’t forget to include a booking link!

  • Boulevard’s text marketing is unique in that clients can reply to marketing messages. Two-way texting is a great way to keep the conversation going and build stronger client relationships. You can even include verbiage like “Text us with any questions!” or “Text this number to claim your offer, or book via this link”.

Additional resources:

Ready to try out Text Marketing? Go to Marketing Suite.

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