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Text and Marketing Usage Rates
Text and Marketing Usage Rates

Text and Marketing usage overview and rates.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over 3 months ago

Messages & Text Marketing

Boulevard’s texting capabilities allow your business to deliver clients a premium, interactive communication experience at every step of the appointment journey, through Messages two-way texting, Client notification texts, and Text blasts.

The features listed above require the setup of a dedicated phone number.

Text Usage Tiers

For each location with a dedicated phone number, we track the total number of text segments you send and receive each month. Based on that monthly total, you will fall into a usage tier below and you will be billed for that tier. If your plan comes with free texts, they will be subtracted from your monthly total.


Monthly Total















+$50 for every additional 5,000 text segments

Text pricing: Two-way texting

Boulevard offers the capability to have two-way text conversations with your clients. In the Messages tab, you can see client replies, send texts to clients in real-time, and see a full history of all text-based client communications. Usage rates apply for sent and received text segments.

Check out the Messages support article for more details on two-way texting.

Text pricing: Client notification texts

Boulevard offers the following automated appointment notification texts to help your business reduce no-shows and elevate the client experience. Usage rates apply for sent and received text segments for the following notification types:

  • Basic reminder text: Free to send out-of the box, with no customizations. Once customizations (custom verbiage, links) are added, pay for sent and received text segments.

  • Booking confirmation text: Pay for sent and received text segments

  • Same-day reminder text: Pay for sent and received text segments.

  • Order receipt text: Pay for sent and received text segments.

  • Review request text: Pay for sent and received text segments.

Check out the Client Notifications support article for more details.

Text pricing: Text blast campaigns

Boulevard offers the ability to send Text Blasts to clients. Pay for sent and received text segments. Usage rates apply for sent and received text segments. If an image is attached, your Text Blast changes from an SMS to an MMS message. One MMS message costs three text segments.

NOTE: An SMS segment contains 160 characters. A message may contain multiple text segments. If a message contains any non-English characters (emoji, non roman-alphabet characters, etc.) then an SMS segment is 70 characters instead of 160 because of the encoding overhead for the unicode characters. 1 SMS segment equals 1 billable text segment.

Once an image or GIF is added, your message changes from SMS to MMS. An MMS segment can contain 1600 characters plus an image or GIF. 1 MMS equals 3 billable text segments.

Check out the Text Marketing: Blast Campaigns support article for more details.

View text usage

To view your text usage for a billing cycle, navigate to either the Messages tab or Manage location > Client notifications and click “View usage”. This provides you with a text usage summary that includes the usage period and text segment totals for both sent and received segments.

The “total segments” is the total number of text segments used in this billing period. If you have free text segments on your plan, those will be subtracted from your ‘total segments’, and that is what you will be billed for. For example, if your modal shows 1500 total segments used in September, but your plan comes with 500 free texts, your billable total will be 1000 text segments, putting you in the $40 tier.

The usage shown in the popup modal always reflects the current billing cycle. You can also use the date picker to select a date range to view historical usage.

Email Marketing

Boulevard’s Marketing Suite offers Email Blasts and Automated Campaigns.

See above section for Text Blasts pricing.

Email Blasts

Email Blasts allow you to send a one-off marketing email to a targeted client audience. Email Blasts are available for all plan types from within the Marketing tab.

Pay 1 cent per email sent.

Automated Campaigns

Automated Campaigns help you streamline and simplify your email and text marketing strategy, boost bookings, and keep your clients engaged. Our pre-built campaigns focus on driving clients to book, and we target clients who haven’t been in, in a while–so, we only bill you once we’ve got you results in the form of completed appointments.

For every appointment that is booked within a 7-day window of a client getting an automated campaign email or text, you are charged $2 (but only once that appointment has actually been completed).

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