In order to ensure accurate reporting and proper charging of customers, all orders should be closed out at the end of the day. To view open and closed orders, use the Orders by going to Sales > Orders from the specific location's settings.
Locating Orders
Orders can be accessed in several ways:
In the checkout window [Image 1]
Through the Sales tab (Sales > Orders) [Image 2]
From the client's history (Client Profile > History > View Appointment) [Image 3]
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Viewing and Filtering Orders
Orders can be filtered by status (open, closed, both, refunded, voided, or deleted), client name, or last 4 digits of the credit card. Use the filters section to the right to set search criteria, then click Apply Filter.
TIP: Return to the previous or next order by using the keyboard shortcut (Shift + Right or Left arrow)
Open Orders
Clicking on an OPEN order opens the checkout window for that order. If the order has never been closed out, complete Checkout as usual.
If an order is open because a partial or full Refund has been issued, the prices of the services or products will need to be adjusted to show where the discount or refund should apply. Once the price adjustments fully account for the discount or refund, the Outstanding Amount shows as $0 and Complete and Close will appear. Click Complete and Close to close out the order.
Tip: After checkout, refresh the page to see that the order status has changed from open to closed.
Closed Orders
Clicking on a CLOSED order opens up the order details. The closed-order details screen is commonly used to:
Voiding an Order
Please see Voiding Orders for more information.
Deleting an Order
Only open orders can be deleted. If an order to be deleted has already been closed, follow the instructions above to open the closed order. Once the order is open:
Click the 3-dot icon to the right of the open order to delete.
Click Delete Order.
Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.