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Issuing Refunds

Steps on how to complete a full or partial refund for an order.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over 9 months ago


If an appointment was finalized with an incorrect charge, a full or partial refund can be easily issued.

IMPORTANT: Refunds take 5 to 10 business days to appear on a credit card statement. Please reiterate this to customers anticipating a refund.

Locate an Order to Initiate a Refund

  • In the checkout window [Image 1]

  • Through the Sales tab (Sales > Orders) [Image 2]

  • From the client's history (Client Profile > View Orders button) [Image 3]

Image 1


Image 2


Image 3

Refund an Entire Order

  1. When you're in the order, click Start Refund under the name of your business.


  2. The "Refund Type" dropdown automatically defaults to Full Refund for all line items on the order.


  3. The "Staff Earnings" dropdown automatically defaults to Clawback Commission for each line item. You can select Covered by Business if you do not want to clawback commission from the service provider.


    NOTE: If Refunding a retail product, No is automatically selected in the "Restock" dropdown. To automatically restock the product in your inventory, select Yes.


  4. The "Refund Method" dropdown automatically defaults to Original Payments. To change the refund method, select Gift Card or Account Balance (if your business allows these methods). Confirm by selecting Refund (dollar amount).

  5. Choose the refund explanation and select Finalize Return.


Refund Part of an Order

  1. When you're in the order, click Start Refund under the name of your business and select the line items you are refunding. You can also click the refund button next to the individual service or product you are refunding.


  2. "Refund Type" dropdown automatically defaults to Full Refund for the line item you've selected. If you would like to process a partial refund for the line item, select Partial Refund from the dropdown. Select the percentage to auto-calculate the "Refund Amount".


  3. The "Staff Earnings" dropdown automatically defaults to Clawback Commission for each line item. You can select Covered by Business if you do not want to clawback commission from the service provider.


    NOTE: If refunding a retail product, No is automatically selected in the "Restock" dropdown. To automatically restock the product in your inventory, select Yes.


  4. The "Refund Method” dropdown automatically defaults to Original Payments. To change the refund method, edit the Original Payments amount, select Gift Card, or select Account Balance. Confirm by selecting Refund (dollar amount).

  5. Choose the refund explanation and select Finalize Refund.


Refunds for Services Paid with a Voucher

  1. When you're in the order, click Start Refund under the name of your business.

  2. The "Refund Type" dropdown automatically defaults to Full Refund for all line items on the order.

  3. The "Staff Earnings" dropdown automatically defaults to Clawback Commission for each line item. You can select Covered by Business if you do not want to clawback commission from the service provider.

    NOTE: When refunding a voucher payment it (currently) restricts you from refunding you refunding to the original payment method for all payments you are refunding. This means that if a customer wanted to refund a voucher and refund cash to an account credit, these would need to be two separate refunds.

  4. The "Refund Method" dropdown automatically defaults to Original Payments. To change the refund method, select Gift Card or Account Balance (if your business allows these methods). Confirm by selecting Refund (dollar amount).

  5. Choose the refund explanation and select Finalize Return.


  6. The voucher is applied back to the client’s profile for redemption on future services.

    NOTE: When refunding a service paid for with a voucher, commission remains to be tracked as applied for the service the voucher was redeemed.

Transfer Commission to a Different Service Provider or Remove Commission

When you're in an order:

  1. Transfer commission

    1. Click the dropdown next to the Service Provider's name next to the service, product, gratuity, etc. Select the new Service Provider to transfer.


    2. Confirm by selected Move Commission. The original service provider is crossed out with the new Service Provider next to it.


  2. Remove commission

    1. Click the dropdown next to the Service Provider's name next to the service, product gratuity, etc. Select No Provider.


    2. Confirm again by selecting Remove Commission. The original service provider is crossed out.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long does it take for a refund to be credited to a client's bank account or credit card?

Refunds take 5-10 business days to fully credit to a client's account.

Q: How can I see if a refund was given to a particular client?

In any order, refund details are noted in blue with the refunded amount in green. See Verifying Refunds for more information.

Q: I checked out an appointment using the wrong payment method. What should I do?

If it is still the same day as the appointment, please void the order to then checkout with the correct payment method

Q: Can I refund a credit card that is different from the card that was charged? Can I refund cash for a credit card purchase?

Refunds can only be credited to the same payment method that was initially charged unless you'd like to refund the amount to a gift card or as an account balance.

Q: I forgot to add a product or service to an order before I closed their order. Can I add it to the order?

The refunds workflow does not include the ability to reopen a closed order to make changes such as adding a service or gratuity. Please create a new order to process additional services, etc.

Q: How do I process a refund for an order that contains payments to multiple merchants?

Click the Start Refund button for each merchant to initiate a refund.


Q: If a service was performed in a previous pay period, when does a commission clawback appear in reporting?

The commission clawback only shows the date of the actual clawback. Therefore, you can see when it was originally processed and then the date of the clawback, making it clear when it was changed.

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