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Forms and Charts in the Professional App
Forms and Charts in the Professional App

How to view and manage forms and charts in the Professional App.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over 10 months ago


You can access your forms and charts through the Professional App from the appointment and the client profile.


When you select an appointment on the calendar, you can view its associated forms and charts in the Forms and Charts section. The list shows the name, type (form or chart), status, and submitted details.

Select a “completed” form to view its responses and add notes by clicking any field. You can also archive the form like in the Dashboard if the form is no longer valid or accurate.

If the form has not been submitted (i.e. marked “not started” or “in progress”) you can complete the form or chart and submit or save it as a draft.

To resend a form, click the “resend forms reminder” button which is available in any appointment with incomplete forms.

Client Profile

When viewing your client’s profile, there is a Forms and Charts section to centralize all of the client’s documents in one place. Here you can view the form names and statuses. Similar to the view from the appointment, you can view and edit the form.

Deleting Not Started Forms & Charts

if a form is “not started” you can delete it from the appointment by opening the form you wish to delete, clicking the three-dot menu, and select “Delete.” Once a form has been saved as “in progress” or “submitted” you will no longer be able to delete a form, but you can archive it.

delete not started form mobile.gif

Photo Upload and Markup

To learn about enabling and using the photo upload feature, click here. For information on how to markup images, click here.

NOTE: Forms and charts in the professional app only work in portrait mode at this time.

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