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Using the Calendar View

Overview of how to use the calendar view.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over a week ago


This article details the options available within the Calendar tab. Both the calendar date range and the display of specific schedules can be customized. Clicking a staff photo provides quick viewing and editing options.

Calendar Date Range

Boulevard provides several ways to view the calendar, by Day, 4 Days, Week, and Today. Toggle between views to find one that best shows what you would like to see. To toggle between views, click the options above the calendar. The back arrow icon resets the calendar to the today view with previously applied filters.

NOTE: the 4-day view is not visible when more than four staff members are scheduled.

Calendar Viewing Options and Reset Animation

Schedule Filtering

Filters can be applied to limit which schedules appear on the calendar. To choose whose schedules are shown, click the dropdown menu at the top middle of the screen, to the left of "Day". Now click on each staff photo to show their respective calendar. To show only one staff member's calendar, select Only to the right of their name. You can choose to only display the schedules by specific roles by clicking View All next to the role. At the bottom of that dropdown menu, there are quick filters called All Staff and Is Working.


Displays just that one person's schedule.

View All

Displays all schedules for all staff with the specific staff role.

All Staff

Displays every staff member, whether or not they have published shifts or appointments.

Is Working

Displays only staff members who have a published shift or an appointment, ignoring blocked time.

Staff Selection Dropdown


In-Calendar Actions

Clicking directly onto a calendar or on an appointment initiates the following actions:

Clicking an empty space on the calendar

Make a New Appointment or Block Time

Clicking an existing appointment

Cancel the Appointment or Reschedule

Click and drag an existing appointment


Click a staff member's photo

Option to View day, View week, Adjust shift, and View profile

New Appointment Animation

Time Block Animation

Individual Staff Options Animation


Schedule View

It’s easier than ever to track whether your clients have their forms completed.

Accessible from either the Front Desk or Calendar views on the Dashboard, staff can pull up a list of any day’s appointments and filter by date and/or forms status. This makes it easy to audit and reach out to customers who still need to confirm their appointment or complete their forms.

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