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Memberships: Creating, Selling, and Viewing

Details on how to create, sell and view memberships.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over a month ago


A 'Membership' is a prepaid termed subscription. The individual terms are set by the business, with purchasing clients ('Members') automatically charged based on the term set (e.g., bi-weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, semi-annual, annual). Memberships automatically renew on the set renewal date using the credit card that was used at the time of sign-up. New memberships are paid for on the date that they are purchased, even if the first term date is in the future. For issues regarding card declines and past-due memberships, see Memberships: Managing Billing.

Creating a New Membership

Before a membership can be sold, it must first be created as a product.

  1. Head to Products > New Product.

  2. In the Description field, add the membership terms.

  3. In the Product Price field, add the monthly or annual fee.

  4. Select 'This is a subscription'.

  5. Choose from Bi-Weekly (every two weeks), Bi-Monthly (every two months), Monthly (every month), Semi-Annual (every 6 months), or Annual as the term length.

  6. Choose if this membership should be for one individual or if it is shareable with other clients.

  7. If the Membership is to include pre-designated services, select 'This is a voucher package' then choose the voucher expiration (years, months, OR months after cancellation) and add the number of vouchers for each included service.

  8. Click Save.

NOTE: There is a limit of 60 vouchers that can be assigned to each "setup another voucher" section.

Selling a Membership In-Store

Memberships being sold in-store can be sold a la carte in a retail-only order or added to an existing order.

  1. In the checkout window, search and add the desired membership.

  2. Checkout the order as usual.

  3. The client is charged at the beginning of each term. For example, they are charged immediately upon purchasing a membership, and then again once they begin their second term.

NOTE: The commission associated with the sale of membership with vouchers is calculated after the voucher is redeemed. If a client wishes to redeem their membership benefits the same day as the purchase, you must first complete a separate sale for the membership before completing the transaction for the service.

Selling a Membership Online

Memberships are made purchasable online by checking "Allow this to be purchased online" in the Edit Product window at the location level (Manage > Products).

Once the membership has been made purchasable online, it appears in the self-booking overlay.

IMPORTANT: Memberships, like all virtual products, must be purchased in a separate transaction. For example, clients cannot book an appointment and purchase a membership at the same time.


Viewing a Membership

Once a membership has been successfully added, it appears as a badge under the client's name during appointment checkout. It also indicates who owns the membership (if it is shareable).

Memberships also appear in the Memberships tab on the Client Profile. Learn more about managing a client's membership in the Memberships: Managing Billing article.

Client Access to Membership and Voucher information

Clients can view details about their membership and voucher balance from the client portal. The portal will display:

  • Membership benefits, including redeemable vouchers

  • The applicable services and expiration dates if one is set

  • Provides the ability to add and update the membership payment method on file

For more on the client portal, check out this article.

Discounting a Membership

When a discount is added to the membership, the discount applies to that order only. To discount an existing membership for each billing cycle going forward, first, cancel the membership and then create a new membership with the discounted pricing in a retail-only order.

Prorating a Membership

To charge a one-time fee prior to a membership term start, you can add a new product such as 'Membership Initiation' or 'Membership Prorate' which can be added and paid for in a standard client transaction. As with all products, this charge would be added to the Products section in the checkout window. This charge is one-time and can be for any chosen dollar amount.

Updating Existing Memberships

To make an update to existing memberships (i.e. price increase) please reach out to


Q: Why isn’t the voucher showing up in the checkout window?

A: Check that the client has a purchased a membership with a voucher for a service that is listed at checkout. If the voucher is for a specific service, it will only appear as an option to redeem if that particular service is being checked out. For example, if a client has a voucher for a microneedling service, it will only show up for redemption if microneedling is the service being checked out, not for any other service or add-on.

Q: If a new service is added to an existing membership, will it apply once updated?

No, if a new service is added to an existing voucher membership it will not apply until currently active memberships renew.

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