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Register Closeout Summary Report
Register Closeout Summary Report

The register closeout summary report provides a summary of daily register closeout activities.

Training BLVD avatar
Written by Training BLVD
Updated over a week ago


The register closeout summary report provides a summary of daily register closeout activities. This is the best report to view a roll up of register activity or individual activity to determine if you were short, over, or where you ended the day.

Default Metrics



Register Closeout Created On

Date of closeout

Cash Sales

Total amount of cash sales

Cash Refunds

Total amount of cash refunds

Cash Paid In

Total amount of cash paid in

Cash Expenses Paid Out

Total amount of expenses paid out

Cash Deposits Paid Out

Total amount of cash deposits

Cash Shortage

Shortage or overage of register as of closeout

Cash End Amount

Total amount of cash after the closeout

Customization Options

Group by ID

Group rows by ID to see each individual cash count.

Additional columns

It’s recommended to add additional columns for the following metric:

  • Description (description of closeout event)

NOTE: This was formerly a beta report.

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