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Cash Register: General Use

Overview of the cash register feature and general use.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over 5 months ago


Boulevard offers a cloud-based Register feature that allows businesses to easily track cash-on-hand, deposits, and withdrawals from a centralized cash register. To access the Register feature, go to the Sales tab for the location and then Register.

If your business has multiple registers, each drawer needs to be combined into one total drawer count.

Current Drawer

When a cash payment or refund is processed, that cash amount is automatically accounted for in the current drawer. The current drawer shows the cash sales, cash refunds, how much has been paid in/out, and how much cash is expected to be in the drawer.


Pay In and Pay Out

The Pay In and Pay Out features are used to track the manual deposit or removal of cash from the register. To add or remove cash:

  1. Click Pay-In or Pay-Out.

  2. Enter a detailed description of the deposit or withdrawal.

  3. Enter the amount of the deposit or withdrawal.

  4. If doing a Pay Out, select the Category for either Expense or Deposit.

  5. Click Pay In (Add cash) if adding cash or Pay-Out (Remove cash) if removing cash.


Open Drawer

To open your register:

  1. Navigate to the Current Drawer screen, Sales > Register > Current Drawer.

  2. Verify all cash activities are $0.00, and “Expected in Drawer” is the initial reserve you typically start the day with.

  3. Count the Register. Click “Count Drawer” and enter Value Quantities. If you have multiple registers, enter the combined quantity of each currency.

  4. Submit drawer count by clicking Confirm and Submit Drawer Count.

Count Drawer/Close Drawer

The Count Drawer feature is used to total up all remaining funds in the register at the time of closeout or day's end, however, it can be done as many times as desired (i.e. mid-day counts, shift changes, etc.). To count the drawer:

  1. Navigate to the Current Drawer screen, Sales > Register > Current Drawer.

  2. Verify cash refunds. If cash refunds were processed you will pay in the refunds in step 4.

  3. Verify cash paid out. If cash was paid out, you will pay in the paid out amount in step 4.

  4. Pay in to replenish the register, if needed. The Pay In amount is cash refunds + cash paid out.

  5. Verify the deposit or your cash sales. This is the amount you will pay out for deposit to your bank.

  6. Pay out the cash deposit and include the date and amount of cash sales for deposit.

  7. Count the register by clicking count drawer and entering a description and monetary value quantities for each category.

  8. Once complete, click submit drawer count.

Once you submit the drawer count, this drawer is now closed. You cannot go back and edit a closed drawer so please be sure to account for all pay-ins/outs prior to submitting the final count (especially if it's an EOD count).

The "End Amount", once you close out a drawer count, is what your next (Current Drawer) will open with. Think of the end amount as the cash you are leaving in the drawer either for the next day, next shift, etc.

If you leave your drawer at $0 and replenish it in the morning, you should do a pay-out (as a deposit) for the funds you are removing and close your drawer out with $0 "Expected in Drawer". When you come in again, you can do a pay-in for the funds you are opening/replenishing the drawer with.

Drawer History

The history of all closed-out drawers displays on the left side of the screen. Click any of the dates or times to open up the summary of that particular drawer.


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