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Discounts & Offers Report
Discounts & Offers Report

Overview of discounts & offers report metrics and customization options including by discount ID.

Training BLVD avatar
Written by Training BLVD
Updated over a week ago


The discounts & offers report provides a summary of discount and offer activity. This report is a good way to view discounts given by operator and to get an idea of how many times an offer has been used.

NOTE: We do not have the ability to view data by client name or client ID, so we cannot track which clients redeemed specific offers.

Default Metrics



Line Item Discount Operator Name

The staff member logged in when the order is created

Services Count

Total services completed

Client Count

Count of clients that had a discount applied

Appointment Count

Count of appointments that had a discount applied

Discount Total

Total value of discounts

Customization Options

Discount ID

Group data by discount ID to view every discount as a line or row.

NOTE: This was formerly a beta report.

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