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Marketing Opt-In Preferences

Overview of Boulevard's Marketing Suite client opt-in preferences.

Lisa avatar
Written by Lisa
Updated over 6 months ago


In today's dynamic marketing landscape, effectively communicating with an engaged audience is more critical than ever. Clients who actively subscribe to your messaging indicates a genuine interest from your audience, leading to higher engagement rates and more meaningful interactions. By prioritizing consent and maintaining compliance with communication regulations, you not only respect your audience's preferences but create a more responsive customer base. This approach helps to maximize engagement while also building trust and loyalty.

Self-Booking Overlay

Clients are able to set their email and text marketing opt-in preferences when creating an appointment through your online self-booking overlay.

When booking an appointment through the overlay, clients will see a disclaimer labeled “Communications” which lets them know that by booking, they are agreeing to receive email and text messages for appointment notifications, news, and special offers.

If a client has already opted out (unsubscribed), they will not see the disclaimer regarding marketing consent again, and will need to opt back in to communications (resubscribe) by way of the Marketing Communication Preferences center, accessible through any confirmation or reminder email.

Managing Communication Preferences

Clients can easily opt into or out of their communication preferences from their booking confirmation emails, reminder emails, and within the client portal profile page.

Client Profile

Within your dashboard, you are able to see if a client has chosen their opt-in preferences when viewing their profile. If they have not selected their preferences, you see a dropdown menu labeled “Marketing Opt-In Preferences''. While speaking with the client, you can ask them if they’d like to opt in - select “Client has opted in” and then choose “Email only” as their preferred communication method.

In adherence with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, clients need to physically take action when opting in to receive text messages, which is why the dashboard only shows “Email” as selectable, when verbally collecting consent from a client.

If a client has already chosen their marketing communication preferences, on their

profile you can see they have opted in, and the type of communication they have chosen - "Email and text," "Email only," or "Text only".

Clients who have chosen either “Email and text” or “Text only” can be changed between “Email only”, “Text only” or “Email and text”. Clients who have chosen “Email only” cannot be updated further.

If a client wants to opt-out, you can do that for them, but in the future, they need to opt themselves back in via the self-booking overlay, or their online profile.

Creating a new client

When creating a new client from the Clients tab, you have the ability to set their marketing opt-in preferences for email. While speaking with the client, you can ask them if they’d like to opt in - select “Client has opted in” and then choose “Email only” as their preferred communication method.

In adherence with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, clients need to physically take action when opting in to receive text messages, which is why the dashboard currently only shows “Email” as selectable, when verbally collecting consent from a client.

Creating a new appointment

When you’re creating a new appointment, you are able to see if a client has chosen their opt-in preferences when viewing the appointment confirmation modal.

If the client has not selected their preferences, you see a dropdown menu labeled “Marketing Opt-In Preferences''. While speaking with the client, you can ask them if they’d like to opt in - select “Client has opted in” and then choose “Email only” as their preferred communication method.

If a client has already chosen their communication preferences, on their profile you can see they have opted in, and the type of communication they have chosen - "Email and text", "Email only", or "Text only".

Clients who have chosen either “Email and text” or “Text only” can be changed between “Email only”, “Text only” or “Email and text”. Clients who have chosen “Email only” cannot be updated further.

Privilege Settings

We have included a privilege that controls the ability to set or edit a client’s marketing opt-in preferences. This privilege is found under the Marketing section, labeled “Set & Edit Marketing Opt-In Preferences”. This privilege is toggled on for all existing Privilege Groups by default.

If this privilege is turned off, users can see if a client has chosen their marketing opt-in preferences but are unable to edit them.

For more information about marketing opt-in consent, check out our FAQ here!

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