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Product Quantity Adjustments Report
Product Quantity Adjustments Report

Details on the Product Quantity Adjustments classic report which includes a detailed log of product quantity changes within a date range.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over a week ago


The Product Quantity Adjustments report is a detailed log of all product quantity changes over a specified date-range. See the article Adjusting Inventory Quantities for instructions on manual inventory adjustments.

In this report, columns appear only when a product has changed due to the following reasons: Purchase Order (Received Stock), Usage, Recount, Damage, Theft, Loss, and Return. Any adjustment that reflects a loss of the product (Sale, Damage, Loss, Theft, Usage) will appear as a negative value. Any gain of a product (Purchase Order, Return) will show as a positive value. Recounts can be positive or negative.

This report specifically lists:

  • Category - product category

  • Brand - product brand name

  • Product - specific product name

  • Applicable Adjustment Type(s) - type of inventory quantity adjustment

  • Total - net change across all adjustment types

Example Product Quantity Adjustments Report

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