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Prepaid Product Units
Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over 4 months ago

Prepaid Product Units

You are able to pre-sell products used in services to clients for them to redeem at a later date. Add the product you’d like to pre-sell in the Credits section of the checkout window, specifying the number of units. You may add a discount to this sale if you would like to offer your clients a special rate.



You may see a client’s balance in the Payment Methods tab of their profile.


When voiding or refunding an order where prepaid units were purchased, the client’s balance is automatically deducted according to the amount refunded or voided.

When this client checks out for an appointment where this product was used in one of the services, you can redeem their prepaid units in checkout by clicking the Credits section of the payments bar in the checkout window, selecting the number of product credits to redeem, and then pressing the Redeem button to apply for that payment.



The client’s outstanding balance of prepaid units decreases accordingly.

To refund the redemption of prepaid units, initiate the refund process on the Closed Order page. For services where prepaid units were redeemed, you may specify the number of prepaid units to refund back to the client’s balance.


NOTE: To apply product credits during checkout, the product must be categorized as "Product Usage" under a main service. If the product is not set as "Product Usage," its units cannot be applied at checkout.

Check out Tracking and Charging for Products Used in Service to learn more about setting up usage-based services.

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