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Photo Gallery

Overview of how to access and manage the photo gallery feature.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over 5 months ago


Photo gallery provides you with a single place to store all of your client’s photos. In each client’s profile, there is a tab called “Gallery.”

Your client’s images are listed by date with the most recent date first. You can scroll through images.

To view, download, and edit, click on the image. Each image is associated with a date and a label (if applicable). In the menu option, you have the ability to download the image, view the appointment associated with the image (if applicable), view the form associated with the image (if applicable), and delete the image.

You can also upload images directly to your client’s gallery by selecting the “Add photo” button on the Gallery page. Once your photo is uploaded, you can add a label to the image.

If you have images stored in client notes, forms, or appointment notes, they are visible from the gallery tab. If an uploaded photo includes mark up, the gallery shows both the original photo and the marked up version. There is not a storage limit to the amount of images that can be uploaded in Gallery.

NOTE: When you merge two client’s all of the images from either client will be merged into a single client profile.

Photo Comparison

You can compare two images in your client’s gallery. Located at the top of your gallery page, you will see an option called “compare.” When selecting this option, you can select two images from your gallery to view. Once you’ve selected to compare the images, it will show the images side by side.

In order to compare images, you must have the privilege “View client gallery” enabled.

If you want to swap the images, you will select the action menu and select “Swap photo positions.”

You can also download the photo comparisons if you want to send the images to your clients. You must have the “Modify client gallery” enabled to download images.

Photo Gallery Privilege Groups

There are two privilege settings associated with Gallery. The setting “View client’s gallery” allows the user to view the images in the gallery, but they can not take action on any of the images. The setting “Modify client gallery” allows the user to add and edit images in the gallery.

Privilege Group Notes:

  • If user can’t view forms, they won’t see form images in gallery

  • If the user can’t view client notes, they won’t see client note images in gallery

  • If they can’t view appointments, they won’t see images from appointment notes in gallery

  • If a user archives a form, the image will stay in gallery

  • If a user saves a markup as a draft, makes edits and then submits, we’re only saving the finalized image

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