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Product Categories

How to create and manage product categories.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over a year ago


Every product should be assigned to a specific category. Assigning products to categories helps keep your business organized when creating reports or purchase orders. Product categories cannot be deleted.

Creating Product Categories

  1. Navigate to Manage Business.

  2. Click Product Categories.

  3. Click Create Category.

  4. Enter the product category title.

  5. Select “Products in this category are commissionable” if you wish to pay a commission for the sale of the product category.

  6. Select “Products in this category are retail” if you wish to sell the products as retail items. Retail products are able to be sold during checkout. Products not marked as retail do not show during checkout.

  7. Click create category when complete.

NOTE: If the products in the category are professional products used during a service, unselect the retail box. This categorizes the products as “Professional” products.

Deleting Product Categories

To delete or remove a product category, you must reassign all inactive and active products assigned to the category first before the option to delete appears.

  1. Assign all inactive and active products assigned to the category you wish to delete to another category.

  2. Navigate to product categories and select the category.

  3. Select the delete icon.

Check out Adding New Products for support with creating new products in the dashboard.

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