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Group Booking

How to schedule and reschedule group appointments.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over 11 months ago


Clients have the ability to book appointments for more than one guest through the Self-Booking Overlay. This is best used for clients booking services for more than one person on the same day at the same time. Group booking is only available through the Self-Booking Overlay and is not an option when booking appointments through the dashboard.

Enabling Group Booking

To enable group booking, navigate to the manage location settings > location features.

Group Booking with the Self-Booking Overlay

Clients have the option to select group booking when booking an appointment using the Self-Booking Overlay.

Once each appointment has been booked, a confirmation email is sent to the client who booked the appointment.

Forms with Group Appointments

If a client books a group appointment and does not enter the other guest's name for the booking, the appointment appears under the primary guest's name. Forms for group appointments are associated with the booking client.

For forms to be sent to a client prior to an appointment, they must first be associated with a client profile. To do this, create a client profile for the guest with an email address and add that client to the appointment. Once a client is added to the appointment, you can manually resend the forms to the email address associated with the client profile.

Rescheduling a Group Appointment

Group appointments cannot be rescheduled from the appointment details page. Clients must call the business to reschedule.

NOTE: The Guest contact information is an optional field when booking a group appointment using the self-booking overlay. If the client booking the appointment leaves the guest information blank at the time of booking, the guest is not linked to a client profile and may create a duplicate profile in Boulevard. Profiles can be merged. Check out the Merging Client Profiles article for more details.

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