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Privilege Groups

Steps on how to create, assign and manage privilege groups.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over a week ago


Every Boulevard user is assigned to a Privilege Group, which determines what the user is able to do in Boulevard. Each preset Privilege Group is made up of specific privileges that are either enabled or disabled for that Privilege Group. The default 'Admin' Privilege Group has all active privileges, while traditionally other Privilege Groups have fewer privileges.

Adding a New Privilege Group

  1. From Business Settings (gear icon), click Privilege Groups then New Privilege Group.

  2. Name the group, give it a brief description, and click Create Privilege Group.


  3. Scroll down through the list on the right and enable privileges by clicking the toggle switch. See below the Privilege Settings Glossary for details on each privilege.

  4. When all privileges are correctly enabled, click Save at the top right

Assigning or Changing Privilege Groups

A user's Privilege Group is assigned when the user is first added. If needed, their assigned Privilege Group can be changed in their Staff Profile. Select the desired Privilege Group, then Save Changes.

Deleting a Privilege Group

To remove a Privilege Group, click the individual name of the Privilege Group and then Delete it to the right of that window.

CAUTION: If users are still assigned to a Privilege Group that gets deleted, those users are reassigned to the 'Admin' Privilege Group role and have full privileges.

Privilege Settings Glossary


Privilege Setting




Web app

Log into the Boulevard web app

  • Necessary for ALL staff members

Mobile app

Log into Boulevard Professional mobile app

  • Necessary for professionals

Front desk

Access the Front Desk page

  • Necessary for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

Purchase orders

View and manage inventory purchase orders

Requires access to the 'Location Manager' privilege to view and manage purchase orders.

  • Necessary for the location manager

Calendar view only

Restrict access to the calendar only

This automatically disables the other privileges (except web app and mobile app). The user will only have visibility to view their schedule and cannot access appointment details or information about the client.


Privilege Setting




Business Manager

Access to all main business settings (gear icon).

Location Manager

Edit individual location details, staff, ratings, and 'Other' payment types.

  • Necessary for the location manager

Manage Schedule

Allow access to manage staff and resource schedules.

If enabled, users who do not have location manager access can still manage schedules.

  • Recommended for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

Edit Services

View and edit services performed at a location.

If enabled, users who do not have location manager access can still edit services.

  • Necessary for the location manager

  • Necessary for professionals

View Products

Allows users to view Products at a location.

Allows users to adjust inventory quantity.

  • Necessary for the location manager

Modify Products

Allows users to create, edit, and disable Products at a location.

Allows users to modify products at the location. level.

Must have 'Business Manager' privilege enabled.

  • Necessary for the location manager

View Sales

View Orders, Payments, and Register.

This privilege allows access to only view Orders & Payments, as well as update register activity and drawer counts.

  • Necessary for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

Edit Sales

Change orders and process refunds.

Allows access to input order notes, swap staff commission, and process refunds.

Must also have access to View Sales.

  • Necessary for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

Void Orders

Process voids on completed orders.

Must also have access to View Sales.

  • Recommended for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

Deactivate Gift Card

Deactivate physical gift cards so they can be reused.

  • Necessary for the location manager

Edit Gift Card Balance

Add or remove vouchers or value from a gift card.

  • Necessary for the location manager

Grant vouchers

Add vouchers to a client's balance without an order.

Only available for customers with the 'Grant Vouchers' feature flag enabled.

  • Necessary for the location manager

View reports for all locations

View, download, and send reports that include data across all locations.

View reports for assigned locations

View, download, and send reports that include data only for employees' assigned locations.

  • Necessary for the location manager

View commission reports

View commission reports in Classic Reports.

Must have View Reports for Assigned Locations enabled.

  • Necessary for the location manager

Payment Processing

Allow access to merchant details for assigned locations.


Privilege Setting




View all availability

View the busy status of other service providers.

  • Necessary for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

  • Recommended for professionals

View all appointments

View appointment details of other service providers.

  • Necessary for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

Modify all appointments

Edit appointments of other service providers.

  • Necessary for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

Create all appointments

Create appointments for other service providers.

  • Necessary for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

Modify own appointments

Edit the service provider's own appointments.

  • Necessary for professionals

Create own appointments

Create appointments for the staff member.

  • Necessary for professionals

Adjust appointment service price

Allow price adjustments for services when editing an appointment.

  • Recommended for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

Checkout appointments

Apply for payment, sell products, edit, and checkout appointments.

  • Necessary for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

  • Recommended for professionals


Privilege Setting




Other Payment Method

Allow checkout with 'Other' as the payment method.

  • Recommended for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

  • Recommended for professionals

Adjust Price

Allow price adjustment for services and products.

Disabling this privilege still permits discounts to be applied. Discounts are accounted for in the Offers & Discounts report.

  • Recommended for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

  • Recommended for professionals

Apply Discount

Allow applying discretionary discounts

Manage 'Other' payment types

Allows staff to create and edit payment types under 'Other' tab


Privilege Setting




View client list

View client first and last names.

This privilege setting is the setting specifically tied to letting staff view and edit Client Notes. This is typically recommended to be enabled for service providers to log important information such as color formulas, injection areas, clipper guard numbers, etc. Contact information is not displayed unless that specific privilege is enabled.

  • Necessary for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

  • Recommended for professionals

View client contact information

View and edit client contact information, tags, and personal information.

Boulevard Professional App: Displays phone number and email address

Boulevard Web App: Displays social media scrape, phone number & email address (and opt in or out of reminders), referral source, client tags, and personal info (birthday, home address, and emergency contact info).

  • Necessary for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

  • Recommended for professionals

View Client Notes

View client notes, medications, and allergies in the Client Profile in both the Boulevard Dashboard and the Boulevard Professional App.

'View Client list' must also be enabled.

  • Allows the user to view the client's notes

  • Recommended for professionals

Create and Modify Client Notes

Add notes, medications, and allergies on the client profile in the Dashboard and Professional App.

Must have View Client List, View Client Notes, and either Modify All Appointments or Modify Own Appointments enabled.

  • Must have view client notes enabled

  • Recommended for professionals

View Client Gallery

View images in a client’s gallery.

  • Recommended for professionals

Modify Client Gallery

Add, edit or delete images in a client’s gallery.

Must have view client gallery enabled.

  • Recommended for professionals

Hide client's last name on mobile and in notifications

Prevent staff members from seeing the client's last name on the Boulevard Professional mobile app.

This is a feature flag that must be enabled by Boulevard.

Export client list

Export the list of clients.

  • ONLY admin individuals should have this privilege

Merge client profiles

Allow staff to merge client profiles.

  • Recommended for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

View and edit client notifications

This privilege controls if a user can see the ‘Client Notifications’ option in the left-hand menu under ‘Manage’

Must have location manager enabled.

  • Necessary for location manager


Privilege Setting




Create and Modify Form Templates

Allow staff to create and modify client and internal (staff) form templates.

Must have business manager access enabled.

  • Recommended for administrators

  • Controls the form templates created and sent to clients

View Form Responses

View forms filled out by clients and staff.

  • Recommended for professionals

Advanced Forms

Complete, print, archive, or add notes to forms.

Must have 'View Form Responses' also enabled.

  • Needs “View Form Responses” enabled

  • Recommended for professionals

Review Forms and Charts

Approve and sign-off on forms and charts that require review

Must have ‘View Form Responses’ and ‘Advanced Forms’ enabled.

  • Recommended for admins and/or medical directors

Bypass Review Process

Submit forms without requiring review from approvers.

  • Recommended for admins and/or medical directors


Privilege Setting




Register Phone Number

Ability to create a Contact Center booking line and agree to usage-based billing for texts.

Necessary for the location manager

View Messages

Ability to read messages from clients.

  • Necessary for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

Send Messages

Ability to send messages to clients.

Replies to text reminders containing anything other than a variation of 'Yes' appears in the Messages tab. This does not cancel the appointment but does open a conversation for front desk to either cancel or offer times to reschedule.

Only available in the Boulevard web app.

  • Necessary for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager


Privilege Setting




Clock others in/out

Clock others in/out.

  • Recommended for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

Edit timecards

Edit in and out times on historical timecards.

  • Recommended for location manager

Mobile App Reports

View individual performance metrics.

Allows service providers to view their performance metrics including total service and product sales, tips, prebook %, and utilization %.

Must have Professional App privilege enabled.

  • Recommended for professionals

Edit Calendar View

Edit the order of staff on the calendar view.

  • Necessary for front desk staff

  • Necessary for the location manager

Set Timeblock

Create and edit Timeblocks on the Calendar.

Must have 'Create Own Appointments' privilege group enabled for this privilege to work at an individual location level.

Must have 'Create All Appointments' privilege enabled for this setting to work for every Service Provider's schedule.

  • Recommended for the location manager

  • Recommended for professionals to manage their schedule

Notification Preferences

Allow staff to customize their notification preferences.

Must have the 'Professional App' privilege also enabled.

  • Recommended for professionals


Privilege Setting




View all campaigns

View overall and individual campaign performance across all locations.

Allows staff to view and reference campaigns in the case that a client mentions an email promotion when booking or checking out.

  • Necessary for the location manager

Modify all campaigns

Edit individual campaigns including the ability to set a campaign live or deactivate it across all locations.

  • Necessary for the location manager

Set & Edit Marketing Opt In Preferences

Ability to set or edit marketing opt in preferences for clients.

Must have the 'View Client Contact Information' privilege also enabled.

  • Necessary for the location manager

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