When a client is referred to a business, knowing and tracking the source of that client can be valuable. When adding a new appointment or within every Client Profile, the business can assign how that particular client was referred. Then in the Referral Sources report, the revenue generated from specific referral sources can be seen.
Outside of this manual tracking process, you can also set up a client referral program that automatically creates custom referral links and rewards clients who refer friends to your business. Clients referred via the referral program are automatically recorded with the source "Referral Program."
Creating the Referral Sources List
Before they can be assigned to a Client Profile, the list of referral sources must first be created at the main business level. To create a list of all referral sources:
Head to the main business gear icon then select Referral Sources on the left.
Click New Referral Source.
Type in the name of the source.
Click Create Referral Source.
Assigning Referral Sources When Adding a New Appointment
Click New Appointment and fill in all details as you normally would schedule a client.
Before clicking Complete Booking, click the Referral Source drop-down to select how this client was referred. If they were referred by another client, you can search for that client's name after choosing Referral program.
Assigning Referral Sources from the Client's Profile
Open the individual Client Profile.
Under Contact Info locate Referral.
Select the dropdown menu then click the referral type.
Select Referral Program, then select the referring client.
Click Save Changes.
NOTE: Referral sources can be collected using connected form fields. Check out the Forms and Charts: Connected Fields article for more information.
Referral Sources Report
The Referral Sources report specifically references clients who completed appointments during the selected date ranges and who have been assigned to a Referral source in their Client Profile. The Referral Source report specifically shows:
Referral Source - as assigned in the Client Profile, or automatically via the referral program
Client Count - clients tagged with the referral source
Service Count - services performed
Service Revenue - income generated from service sales
Product Unit Count - products purchases
Product Revenue - income generated from product sales
Tip Revenue - included gratuity
Avg. Order Value - average ticket cost
Head to the Reports tab then select Referral Sources from the list on the left.
Filter by date as you would any other report.
NOTE: A blank space under the Client column in the Referral Sources beta report represents a referral by 'Another Client'.