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Details on how to create and manage suppliers.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over a year ago


Product suppliers are managed at the main Business level.


Adding a New Supplier

  1. Once in the Suppliers tab, click New Supplier.


  2. Enter the supplier name, contact information, and representative information.

  3. Click Save.

Editing an Existing Supplier

  1. From the Suppliers list, click the Supplier to edit.

  2. Modify existing details.

  3. Click Save.

Adding or Changing the Supplier(s) of a Particular Product

  1. Click the Products tab at the Business Manage level.


  2. Search for then click on the product whose supplier you wish to add or change.

  3. In its product details window, scroll down and click on the Suppliers section.

  4. Check or uncheck the desired supplier(s).

  5. Click Save.

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